題名: | 俄羅斯街童問題之研究 A study of street children in Russia |
作者: | 徐孟詩 Hsu, Meng Shih |
貢獻者: | 林永芳 Lin, Yung Fang 徐孟詩 Hsu, Meng Shih |
關鍵詞: | 街童 俄羅斯 蘇聯制度 家庭系統 street children Russia soviet institution family system |
日期: | 2011 |
上傳時間: | 2013-09-04 10:12:53 (UTC+8) |
摘要: | 街童是指大部分時間在街上生活的兒童。大多數的街童已經和家裡斷絕往來,依靠街童團體在現實世界生活下去。俄羅斯聯邦存在許多的街童。在俄羅斯轉型時期,國家將注意放在政治和經濟上,並且削減大幅度的社會福利,因此,創造出一波街童潮。
俄羅斯街童的生活方式不僅促使他們早夭,還惡化社會問題。本文從蘇聯制度遺緒、社會環境變遷,和家庭系統失衡來探討這一批街童的成因。最後,討論俄羅斯官方與非政府組織的因應街童措施,發現俄羅斯政府的態度與應對街童的措施是杜絕街童問題的關鍵。 Street children are groups of children who spend most of their time living on the streets. Most of them have already cut their relationships with their families, and they depend on members of their street children group to survive in real world. There are many street children in the Russian Federation. When Russia was in transition, the government put the attention on politics and economy, besides that, the government reduced the scope of social welfare, therefore creating a wave of street children.
The way of life of Russian street children does not only cause them to die young, but also is a factor for the deteriorating social problems. This study discusses cause factors of this group of street children from the soviet institution, the change of society, and the imbalance of the family system. Finally, this thesis discusses Russian official and NGO’s measures those responding to street children, and concludes that the attitude of the Russian government and how it reacts to the street children is a key factor in putting an end to the problem of street children. |
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