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    Title: 愛滋感染者權能增強影響因素之研究
    The empowerment factors of people living with HIV/AIDS
    Authors: 莊登閔
    Chuang, Deng Min
    Contributors: 宋麗玉
    Song, Li Yu
    Chuang, Deng Min
    Keywords: 增強權能
    Date: 2011
    Issue Date: 2013-09-04 09:51:53 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 愛滋感染者為深受社會烙印且處於社會邊緣的族群,在面對自身權力遭受侵犯時,往往難以看到該人口群為自己或社群發聲與行動,因此,本研究希冀瞭解愛滋感染者的權能表現以及可能的影響因素,藉此達致感染者權能的激發。
    People living with HIV/AIDS(PLWHA) are marginalized by HIV social stigma, and we are hardly to see this population speak and act for their right, even through their right or power is violated. For this reason, I hope to find out the performances and the factors of empowerment of PLWHA. As the results, we can empower this population by the right strategies.
    The method to carry out this study was using a survey, which held by purposive sampling. People who infected HIV in Taiwan are the main sample size. The participation in this study was contacted by Non-government organizations, prisons and drug abuser center of correction agency, expecting to respond anonymously by them or interviewer. In the end, 379 questionnaires were analyzed. The instrument consist of six main parts, including demographic, satisfaction with life scale, HIV internal stigma, participation types, HIV/AIDS knowledge scale and reported compliance with medication. To address this issue, t-test and analyses of variance were used to detect bivariate analysis between dependent and independent variables. In order to clarify the explanatory power of variables, a multiple regression analysis was done.
    All research revealed, the total empowerment is moderate, and social-political empowerment is the highest, but PLWHA seldom participate in activities. Second, participation didn’t satisficate with their life, especially what they got in the past. Third, PLWHA had higher internal stigma score, which was negatively correlated with lower empowerment. Forth, PLWHA who can affect others had higher empowerment score. Fifth, HIV/AIDS knowledge was shown significant associated with empowerment of PLWHA. Sixth, multiple regression analysis shows that satisfaction with life scale, community participation, HIV/AIDS knowledge and reported compliance with medication were important factors of empowerment, accounting for 36% variance.
    Suggestions were given to pratical workers, future researchers and PLWHA: we hope pratical worker can help to raise the empowerment of PLWHA, researcher can keep finding more empowerment factors in the future, and PLWHA can believe they have empower ability to strive for their right.
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