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    Please use this identifier to cite or link to this item: https://nccur.lib.nccu.edu.tw/handle/140.119/59875

    Title: 原住民社區之公民參與研究--以清泉風景區計畫為例
    Citizen participation in the indigenous coummunity: a case study on the Qingquan scenic area project
    Authors: 何筱筠
    Ho, Hsiao Yun
    Contributors: 蕭乃沂
    Hsiao, Naiyi
    Ho, Hsiao Yun
    Keywords: 原住民
    citizen participation
    urban planning
    Date: 2009
    Issue Date: 2013-09-03 16:19:49 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: On August 25, 2004, Taiwan was hit by Typhoon Aere which caused great damage in Taoshan Village Wufong Township in Hsinchu County. Later that year, in order to reconstruct Wufong Township and promote tourism, the Hsinchu County Government proposed the “Second Overall Review of the Qingquan Scenic Area Project”.
    The residents of Taoshan Village are aborigines. Many factors hinder aborigines from participating in the development of public policy, including incompleteness of information, weakness of mobilization, and cultural differences. This study is a case study of Taoshan Village, Wufong Township, and interviews local residents, resident representatives, and government officials. Through the case study, the thesis aims to develop an understanding of the process of citizen participation of the indigenous people in Wufong Township during the Second Overall Review of the Qingquan Scenic Area Project and to analyze the difficulties in implementing citizen participation during the process of urban planning.
    The results of the research show that the citizen participation system outlined in the existing urban planning regulations cannot be effectively implemented in the indigenous regions. As a result, the residents have a very limited influence on decision-making. In addition, the study also finds that a lack of citizen participation in the early stages of urban planning led to some problems. Finally, based on the findings and results, this study provides suggestions on policy in hopes that citizen participation can be implemented effectively in indigenous regions.
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    Internet Resources
    1. Hsinchu County Urban planning, http://www.hsinchu.gov.tw/urbanplan/
    2. Wufong Township Office, http://web.hsinchu.gov.tw/english/wufong/
    3. Wufong Township Household Registration Office,
    4. Hsinchu County Budget, Accounting and Statistics Department,
    5. Tourism Bureau, R. O. C. http://www.taiwan.net.tw/
    6. Hsinchu County Government, http://www.hsinchu.gov.tw/travel/
    7. Bruce L. Smith (2003). Public Policy and Public Participation Engaging Citizens and Community in the Development of Public Policy, 42-50, http://www.phac-aspc.gc.ca/canada/regions/atlantic/pdf/pub_policy_partic_e.pdf
    8. Soil and Water Conservation Bureau Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan http://www.swcb.gov.tw/
    9. Council of Indigenous Peoples, Executive Yuan http://tribal-industry.com/main03.asp
    10. The Executive Yuan of the Republic of China
    11. 祖靈之邦網站 http://www.abohome.org.tw/
    12. 台灣生態旅遊網 http://www.ecotour.org.tw/al_03-1.htm
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