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    Title: 政府業務委外決定因素之探討—以地政業務為例
    The study of determinants on governmental outsourcing --taking land administration as example
    Authors: 陳素霞
    Chen, Su Hsia
    Contributors: 成之約
    Cheng, Chih Yu
    Chen, Su Hsia
    Keywords: 地政業務
    land administration services
    Governmental Outsourcing
    Date: 2010
    Issue Date: 2013-09-03 16:09:31 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 在1980年代以Margaret Thatcher為首的保守黨贏得英國國會大選後,便開始推動政府業務委外運動,政府業務委外經營便成為政府再造發展的重要策略工具。近幾年來,由於我國社會環境變遷快速,政治發展日益蓬勃,民眾對於政府的施政作為與服務品質的要求日漸的提高。而地政工作因與國家經濟發展及民眾財產權益息息相關,影響人民權益甚鉅,工作壓力大,致地政人員常年不足,陷入人少、事多、責重之惡性循環,因此,突破行政體系僵化,將部份業務委外,以有限的資源作最有效率的安排,為當前地政機關所面臨的重要課題。
    Ever since the Conservative Party, led by Margaret Thatcher, won the general election during the 1980s, the UK government has outsourced much of its services to the private sector; the outsourcing of public services thus has become an important tool for government reforms and development. Due to the rapid changes in our social environment and growing political awareness in recent years, the people have become increasingly demanding towards the government’s administrative performance and service quality. Land administration is one of the public services that is most closely related to the nation’s economic development and to the property rights of its people. Due to the stakes and the potential impacts involved, land administration has always been a stressful job and our government constantly finds itself short of land administration officers; consequently, the situation spirals downward as a result of an ever-diminishing supply of labor, and an ever-increasing number of cases and responsibilities for each officer. Questions as to how the government will be able to surmount the difficulties of its inefficient administrative system and outsource certain services, thereby making the most efficient use of limited resources, have become an important issue for land administration authorities.
    This study reached the following conclusions:
    1、Interviewees’ work location, experience, gender, and seniority made no difference with regards to their preferences towards outsourcing.
    2、76% of interviewees agreed that land administration services should be outsourced to the private sector, and the range of outsourced services should not be limited to general affairs. They also believed that progress can be achieved by reviewing service characteristics, revising current regulations, etc.
    3、The three services that are most appropriate for outsourcing are: “Issuance of certified document copies”, “Surveys on actual transactions”, and “General evaluations”; on the other hand, “Land registration” and “Land use assignment” are not appropriate for outsourcing.
    4、The outsourcing method minimally affects the overall execution of the land administration service outsourcing policy.
    5、6The three most important considerations that affect the decisions to outsource land administration services are: “The extent of discretion”, “Implementation of the Personal Information Protection Act”, and “Implementation of land administration licenses”.
    6、The outsourcing of land administration services can indeed resolve the labor shortage that is commonly seen throughout land administration authorities.
    The following recommendations were made based on the empirical results: assign a dedicated institution to handle service outsourcing, adjust outsourcing methods to accommodate changing trends, exercise due diligence in performance management and supervision, outsource selected services progressively, build up awareness towards outsourcing land administration services, establish regulations that govern specifically the outsourcing of land administration services, create an environment that is favorable to the partnership between the public and the private sectors, set up a land administration officers’ fund or insurance policy, and implement proper guidelines over the outsourcing methods, the outsourcing criteria, and payment standards.
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