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Title: | 已婚女性調查官工作滿足與家人關係之研究 A study on the job satisfaction and family relationship of married female investigation bureau agents |
Authors: | 黃奕維 Huang, I Wei |
Contributors: | 趙竹成 林顯宗 黃奕維 Huang, I Wei |
Keywords: | 調查官 已婚女性調查官 工作滿足 家人關係 Investigation Bureau agent Married female Investigation Bureau agents Job satisfaction Family relationship |
Date: | 2010 |
Issue Date: | 2013-09-03 16:09:20 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 近年來在性別主流化的趨勢下,各類國家考試紛紛取消男女報考的性別限制,以往調查人員特考每年招考一期,每期平均招考80人,女性名額卻僅5至10人,自民國95年調查班第44期招考已撤除男女名額之限制,大幅增加調查局女性同仁人數,女性調查官的增加,為一向清一色以男性為主的調查局注入新的機會與挑戰。已婚女性調查官如何兼顧家庭與工作,渠等工作滿足的情形與家人關係等值得深入探究。 本研究以調查局除局本部外,全省北中南東各外勤處站之已婚女性調查官為研究對象,採取立意抽樣,選擇10位資訊豐富且具代表性之已婚女性調查官以深度訪談法進行研究,訪談大綱分為個人特質、工作滿足及家人關係三個部分,訪談過程中力求秉持嚴謹、誠信、人身安全、隱私等研究倫理原則。本研究結論如下:一、優渥待遇,提昇工作滿足─受訪者均表示調查局優渥的薪資以及福利,是其工作滿足與成就感的來源之一;二、對於職場文化的不適應,將會影響同仁工作滿足的程度;三、主管過度的關心,會造成屬下在工作上的困擾與壓力,連帶影響渠工作滿足以及家人關係;四、公正客觀的績效考評制度,能夠增強同仁的工作滿足與工作投入程度,並且引導同仁走向正確的工作方向;五、家人支持,工作家庭得兼─能夠得到家人的諒解與支持,是已婚女性調查官兼顧工作與家庭的最大原因;六、工作使然,自信自主兼具─工作性質特殊,養成女性調查官獨當一面、自主自信的個性;七、心靈契合,創造夫妻和諧─無論配偶的觀念以及職業為何,只要夫妻能夠理性溝通,相互體諒,就能夠創造良好的夫妻關係。 根據上述研究結論,本研究之建議如下:一、改革考評制度,鼓舞信心;二、透明升遷管道,重建信任;三、強化各項設施,安心工作;四、定期活動參訪,家人支持;五、貫徹倫理守則,行政中立。本研究後續研究方向為擴大研究範圍,及擴大研究對象,以期研究內容更加豐富完整。 With the trend of gender mainstreaming in recent years, gender limitations have been removed from applicant qualification of many national exams. Since 1996, the year the limitation on the numbers of male and female applicants was removed from the applicant qualification of the Special Examination for Investigation Agents of the Ministry of Justice Investigation Bureau, the number of female agents in the Investigation Bureau has been increasing significantly. New opportunities and challenges have been injected into the Investigation Bureau where most agents were male. How do married female Investigation Bureau agents look after both their families and their work? Issues such as their job satisfaction and their relationships with their families are worthy to be further explored. In this study, 10 experienced and representative married female Investigation Bureau agents were selected via purposive sampling as subjects for an in-depth interview. The interview contains 3 parts: the personal quality part, the job satisfaction part, and the family relationship part. The conclusions of this study are listed below: 1.High salaries and benefits offered by the Investigation Bureau help to increase job satisfaction. 2.Not being able to adapt to the workplace culture may influence colleagues’ job satisfaction. 3.Overconcern from a supervisor creates pressure and disturbance in an employee’s work and further influences employee’s job satisfaction and employee’s relationships with their families. 4.An objective performance evaluation system helps to increase employees’ job satisfaction and devotion to their work, leading them to the right direction at work. 5.Understanding and supports from families are the most important reasons behind married female Investigation Bureau agents being able to look after both their jobs and their families. 6.The special properties of the job make female Investigation Bureau agents more independent and confident. 7.As long as a couple can communicate with each other rationally and try to understand each other, no matter what their jobs are, they can build a wonderful husband-wife relationship. According to the research findings, this study proposes the following suggestions: 1.Improve the performance evaluation system to develop a more comprehensive and fairer evaluation method. 2.Build open and fair channels for promotions. 3.Build various facilities (e.g. nursery rooms and lady’s rooms) for female employees to work without worries. 4.Hold all kinds of activities and invite employees’ families and friends so that they can understand more about the job content in the Investigation Bureau. 5.Carry out work ethics and administrative neutrality. |
Reference: | 一、中文部分
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