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Title: | 台灣銀行業投資大陸的發展策略 The investment strategies of Tiwanese banks in China |
Authors: | 林鈺容 Lin, Yu Rong |
Contributors: | 高安邦 林鈺容 Lin, Yu Rong |
Keywords: | 台灣銀行業投資大陸的發展策略 The Investment Strategies Of Taiwanese Banks in China |
Date: | 2010 |
Issue Date: | 2013-09-03 16:08:58 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 隨著兩岸金融政策的開放,國內銀行將會面臨新的局勢。中國大陸經濟崛起是台灣銀行業者的發展契機,同時因為兩岸在經濟與金融發展脈絡上的不同,亦會造成雙邊交流的阻礙,在機會與困境的新局中,國內銀行要如何找出因應之道將會格外重要。 本文透過文獻回顧、SWOT與個案分析的方式描繪出,未來可能出現的交流新貌。首先在文獻回顧上,台灣目前面臨銀行家數過多的問題,雖然歷經多次改革但是成效仍舊相對有限,未來銀行在中國大陸拓展事業版圖後,有機會改善國內的金融環境。 其次在SWOT分析中,台灣銀行產業發展得較早,所以培養出不少優秀的人才,而且銀行也擁有成熟的金融技術,此為國內銀行交流的優勢,不過國內銀行面對大陸銀行的競爭,規模與營業據點不足卻是發展上的劣勢。 最後在個案分析中,外資金融機構赴大陸發展,其業務經營方向越來越偏向當地市場,不僅各國逐漸轉型為獨資外資銀行,而且也開始經營本地業務,未來國內銀行也應該把目光從台商轉到大陸市場。 兩岸金融談判持續進行,期盼雙方可以透過了解降低雙邊交流可能造成的摩擦,更希望兩岸在互信互利的基礎下,共同創造出繁榮的大中華經濟圈。 Open cross-strait financial policy has led to domestic banks are facing a new situation. China market is an opportunity for banks in Taiwan,but different financial environment will result in communication barriers. In this situation, how to find the solution is an important issue.
We have gone through ‘Literature Review’,’ SWOT analysis’,’ Case Studies’ and reached conclusion. In the literature review, Taiwan faces overbanking problems in recent years. Although domestic reform several times but the effect is relatively limited. Banks enter the Chinese mainland market, overbanking will be improved.
In the SWOT analysis. talent and technology is the development advantages.Industry of bank started early, so the country has many excellent financial professionals. Taiwan has also been leading in the financial technology. It’s the bank`s strength. However, domestic banks face competition from mainland banks, lack of scale and business units are the disadvantages of the development.
In the case studies, foreign financial institutions enter the Chinese market, more and more close to the local business direction. Foreign Capital Bank not only transformed into wholly foreign funded commercial bank, but also operating a local business. Domestic banks should also target customers from Taiwan enterprises into local enterprises in the future.
In the ECFA framework, the Government will continue to conduct financial negotiations. Hope that through exchanges across the Taiwan Strait to reduce cross-strait friction. Taiwan and China Construction China Economic Circle. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 行政管理碩士學程 98921047 99 |
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