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Title: | 內部服務品質與公車駕駛員服務行為關係之研究 A study of relationship between bus driver’s service behavior and internal service quality |
Authors: | 謝敏華 Hsieh, Min Hua |
Contributors: | 高安邦 謝敏華 Hsieh, Min Hua |
Keywords: | 內部服務品質 服務行為 駕駛員 internal service quality service behavior driver |
Date: | 2009 |
Issue Date: | 2013-09-03 16:05:30 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 近年,由於公車運輸產業競爭劇烈,消費者意識抬頭,使得企業在追求管理策略時,除講究營運績效外,更要重視產品品質、彈性及服務等各種品質項目,台北市公車現有十四家業者經營,業者如欲謀生存,必需設法追求更有效的服務方式及更高的服務品質,才能贏得顧客的青睞,同時也要以具有服務導向行為之員工為要務。為了使公車運輸服務在這個產業當中更具有差異化、創新能力,公司內部必需扮演更強而有力的後勤支援角色,來提供優良的服務品質予員工,同時藉由員工對工作的滿意度及員工對顧客的服務行為,能夠讓公司更具競爭力及提升公司獲利能力,本論文研究以Heskett 服務利潤鏈架構為基礎,並結合內部服務品質八項因子,探討不同公車駕駛員之人口屬性特徵對公車運輸公司內部服務品質的認知與其服務行為的表現是否有差異;再以典型相關分析(Canonical Correlations Analysis)探討內部服務品質與服務行為間之關係為何。 研究結果顯示,內部服務品質認知程度越高,則服務行為表現越好。經統計分析後,綜合以上實證結果,歸納研究結論如下: 1. 人口統計變項中以性別、工作年資及薪資收入之不同與公車駕駛員服務行為有顯著性差異。 2. 內部服務品質與服務行為間具有高度正向相關,由典型相關分析結果得知,角色內服務行為與「管理支持與團隊合作」、「有效訓練」、「溝通與獎賞肯定」及「工具設備」等構面存在有高度的正向關係,而「政策與程序」構面則低度正向關係。故欲提升駕駛員服務行為需從「管理支持與團隊合作」、「有效訓練」、「溝通與獎賞肯定」及「工具設備」等方面著手規劃。 3.內部服務品質之優劣對服務行為表現具有高度正向之預測能力。 關鍵詞: 內部服務品質、服務行為、駕駛員 As a result of the turbulent rivalry in the bus transportation industry and the raising consumer consciousness, an organization will not only strive for the profits, also further focus on their product quality, elasticity, service and any products that focus on their quality. With 14 rivals in bus transportation in Taipei, any one has to attempt to seek for more effective service ways and higher service quality to meet customers if they want to subsist. In addition, they also regard having the staffs with the service-oriented behavior as the important thing. To have more distinction and creation ability for the bus transportation service in the bus transportation industry, an organization in the internal party has to play a stronger logistic support role to offer their employees good service quality. Meanwhile, by way of employees’ satisfactions to their jobs and their service behavior to the customers, it enables the institution to have more competitive ability. Besides, it is able to gain more profits. This dissertation is going to explore the comprehension of the internal service quality in the bus transportation for different bus driver with different personality, and whether the performance of their service behavior is different in terms of Services Value Chain by Heskett combining with 8 factors of the internal service quality. After that, it is addressed what the relationship between the internal service quality and the service behavior which will be based on Canonical Correlations Analysis. It is showed the more perception of the internal service quality, the better performance of the service behavior. With the above-mentioned results, it makes the conclusion as below. 1. It is obviously diversity for bus drivers’ service behavior among the difference of the demographic variation in terms of the gender, the working duration, and the salary. 2. The internal service quality to the service behavior is with high positive relationship. According to the Canonical Correlations Analysis, the service behavior inside the party to some factors in terms of management supports and team works, effective trainings, communication and awards approval, and tooling facilities are having high positive relationship. Nevertheless, the factor of the policy and procedure to the service behavior are with low positive relationship. Therefore, they have to start from the management supports and team works, effective trainings, communication and awards approval, and tooling facilities if they would like to enhance drivers’ service behavior. 3. The goodness and the badness of the internal service quality to the performance of the service behavior are with high positive predicted ability. Keywords: the internal service quality, the service behavior, driver |
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