題名: | 台灣地區各縣市老人安養機構設立之影響因素 Determinants of long-term care facilities in Taiwan |
作者: | 陳靜怡 Chen, Ching Yi |
貢獻者: | 黃智聰 陳靜怡 Chen, Ching Yi |
關鍵詞: | 老人安養機構 高齡化 雙因子固定效果模型 影響因素 long-term care facilities ageing society two-factor fixed effect model determinants |
日期: | 2009 |
上傳時間: | 2013-09-03 16:01:41 (UTC+8) |
摘要: | 本文係針對台灣地區各縣市1999至2008年之老人安養機構設立之床位數進行分析,利用雙因子固定效果模型(two-factor fixed effects model)探討台灣地區各縣市老人安養機構設立之重要影響變數,以及這些變數對於老人安養機構設立床位數影響程度之強弱。本文首先將文獻之檢閱做整理介紹,先概述至今國內外討論老人安養機構設立及使用之相關文章重要觀點,了解這些文章作者的研究時間與空間範圍、所使用分析方法、論點及其變數設定,在最後與本研究之結論相互比較,觀察文獻與本研究之間是否具有一致性。 由於本論文重視各地區變數之影響,故本研究使用具地域性之各縣市數據資料作為變數,經由資料蒐集,將合適之變數納入研究考量,參閱文獻資料,加上能夠取得之數據資料為考量。本文將討論下列變數:台灣地區實質薪資、各縣市老年人口數、各縣市人口密度、各縣市教育程度為大專及以上人口之比率、各縣市失業率、各縣市女性勞動參與率、各縣市15歲以上人口婚姻狀況有偶人數比率、各縣市出生率、各縣市外籍與大陸配偶人數、各縣市社福外籍勞工人數以及各縣市每萬老人接受居家服務人次等十一個變數。對於老人安養機構設立數之關係,觀察其影響程度,了解各地區差異,期能對政府提供具體的政策建議,並對未來各縣市公私立老人安養機構之設立提供參考。 This study analyses the number of the beds established of the long-term care (LTC) facilities of each city and county in Taiwan between 1999 and 2008, using “two-factor fixed effects model” to explore some of the important influential variables of the long-term care facilities of each city and county, and the strength of the relation of these variables of the hospital beds. This article firstly introduces and reviews some articles and studies that are basically related, and overview the important points of view of the establishment of the long-term care facilities, to understand the analytical methods and the arguments of these articles and authors. As the importance of this thesis, the effect of regional variables, the study uses cities and counties level variables. Through data collection, using the variables in the study that are considered appropriate. Refer to the literature, adding with data obtained for the considerations. This article will discuss the following variables: the real wage of Taiwan each year, the number of counties and cities in the elderly population, the population density, the population with tertiary education level, the unemployment rate, the female labor force participation rate, the population over the age 15 that have marital status, the proportion of birth rate, the number of foreign and mainland spouses, the number of the welfare of foreign workers per 10,000 of the elderly receiving home care people, totally 11 variables. To establish the relationship between the number of observed effect level of long-term care facilities of each city and county, to understand the regional differences, to provide the government on specific policy recommendations. In the future, we expect to provide the public and private sectors the reference establishment of nursing agencies of each city and county. |
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描述: | 碩士 國立政治大學 行政管理碩士學程 96921008 98 |
資料來源: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0096921008 |
資料類型: | thesis |
顯示於類別: | [行政管理碩士學程(MEPA)] 學位論文
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