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    政大機構典藏 > 商學院 > 企業管理學系 > 學位論文 >  Item 140.119/59783
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    Title: 從智慧資本觀點探討醫院資源管理: 以某個案醫院為例
    A case study of managing healthcare resources: intellectual capital perspective
    Authors: 劉宇欣
    Liu, Yu Hsin
    Contributors: 彭朱如
    Liu, Yu Hsin
    Keywords: 智慧資本管理
    intellectual capital management
    intellectual capital navigator
    health-care organization
    Date: 2010
    Issue Date: 2013-09-03 14:40:57 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 近年來,隨著臺灣醫療產業的重要性漸增及其所面臨的種種挑戰,個別醫院面臨的生存壓力漸增,醫院組織的策略議題也漸受重視,過去文獻多著重於營利組織的策略管理探討,醫院組織雖非以營利為目的,卻仍須重視成本控管與績效表現,以提供更優質的醫療服務,其中,提升資源運用與配置效率是相當重要的課題。
    This research aims at adopting the intellectual capital perspective and its analytical approach in the managerial practice of a health-care organization. The concept of intellectual capital has been applied to the practice of for-profit organizations. However, health-care organizations, which were regarded as non-for-profit, have not been paied close attention to their resource management. Based on intellectual capital perspective, this research introduces Intellectual Capital Navigator (ICN) approach to evaluate the efficiency of using resources.. This research is conducted by an in-depth study on a hospital, demonstrating the importance of needed resources and analyzing the resource transformation among human capital, organizational capital, relational capital, physical capital and monetary capital. The conclusion of this research found that human capital contributed more to itself and organizational capital. Moreover, it is expected to contribute more to relational capital in the future. When it comes to the symmetry of transformations, ICN analysis shows that each capital contributed to relational capital more than getting from it, and that traditional capital contributed to intellectual capital more than getting from them. This study also found that human capital is the most important value source in the hospital. Therefore, the hospital should pay more managerial attention to the balance and asymmetric transformation among resources to enhance the effectiveness and efficieny of its resource management. The adoption of ICN analytical approach into health-care organization extends the application of intellectual capital management.
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