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    Title: 集團內子公司地主國知識產生與移轉之研究
    Host-Country-Specific Knowledge: Generating and Transferring Among Member Firms in Business Groups
    Authors: 范慧宜
    Fan,hui yi
    Contributors: 于卓民

    Yu,chwo ming Joseph
    Seetoo,dah hsian

    Fan,hui yi
    Keywords: 特定地主國知識
    Host-Country-Specific Knowledge
    Business Group
    Knowledge Generate and Transfer
    Overseas Headquarters
    Date: 2009
    Issue Date: 2013-09-03 14:37:41 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本研究透過三個台灣大型MNCs(集團企業)的深度訪談,期望了解集團成員入如何產生與移轉特定地主國知識的議題。台灣MNCs(集團企業)在國際化時,地主國環境不同於母國,使得台灣MNCs(集團企業)海外成員不足以利用其擁有的經驗與知識去因應環境差異所產生的挑戰與問題,而需要產生新的解決辦法。台灣MNCs(集團企業)海外成員所在地之經營環境與母國環境有差異時,其處理方式有二:規劃性(定期會議處理各階段所面臨之問題)及隨機性(臨時會議對於臨時狀況進行處理);另外,在地主國發生的突發事件亦會產生地主國知識。當集團海外成員所面臨之經營環境與母國環境差異越大者,所產生特定地主國知識的量會越多。
    正式機制與非正式機制間是一個連續帶的概念。然而,在移轉過程中,哪些因素會影響到正式與非正式機制搭配的比例呢? 當海外成員自主性高時,採用正式化機制強迫集團海外成員間進行知識分享,亦搭配非正式化機制的社會互動,來緩和彼此間因競爭所產生不願意分享的情形;當知識的情境鑲嵌性程度越高,越需要使用非正式機制來縮小正式機制中知識再利用的可能性;當產品相似性很高,知識來源者與接收者若能搭配少部分(短時間、次數少)的人員互動,便能加快知識再利用的速度;當技術越接近時,知識需求方較可準確地預估需求單上的要項,雙方技術差距越大,越需要仰賴非正式關係使知識來源者願意「多」花時間來教導知識接收者;當集團成員地理距離愈遠時,透過正式化機制,如海外總部(OHQs)進行地主國資料蒐集以避免資訊不對稱造成的知識移轉障礙,以克服因為地理距離所產生的知識移轉障礙。
    Knowledge about host countries and international environment is needed when firms enter international markets. A firm encounters more challenges when it enters a new market with no knowledge. After entry, it then can gain valuable experiential knowledge about the host country (i.e., host-country-specific knowledge) and this knowledge is helpful for further operation in the country and internationalization (Yu, 1990). A firm can gain hands-on knowledge by operating in a host market and then it can filter the information gained into forms it needs for internationalization later on.
    The purpose of the study addresses host-country-specific-knowledge generating and accumulating by overseas member firms in business groups by identifying factors that affect how business groups from an emerging economy transfer host-country-specific knowledge among their group members. We have found that formal and informal mechanisms were helpful in facilitating the transferring of host-country-specific knowledge. In the literature, it is often assumed that knowledge can be easily and automatically transferred within business groups. Our study confirms that business groups do transfer knowledge among subsidiaries purposely and has also demonstrated that some mechanisms are needed to realize this intent.
    While the business group’s network provides a platform for facilitating flows of host-country-specific knowledge, the mere existence of such a network does not automatically result in knowledge transfer. From managerial viewpoint, both formal and informal mechanisms should be in place to promote and encourage host-country-specific knowledge transfer. Gaining a good understanding of the mechanisms contributing to knowledge transfer is strategically important for knowledge management. Regarding the use of mechanisms, our results indicate that the buildup of internationalization knowledge can go along with a firm’s development in foreign markets and also can allow for accumulation of various types of knowledge. The more significant the difference between the contexts encountered by foreign subsidiaries and headquarters is, the more the quantity of knowledge the former will create regarding the host country. When foreign subsidiaries encounter similar problems within a tight time frame in a host country, the accumulation of knowledge about the host country will be faster.
    In the early stages, setting up knowledge transferring system relies more on informal mechanisms. The more mature the system is, the higher the proportion of formal mechanisms is used. However, although informal mechanisms are effective for chief executive officers and senior vice presidents, primary executives and operators rely solely on formal mechanisms in order to clarify responsibilities. With more important strategic position of the host country, the headquarters will establish overseas headquarters in order to quickly respond to the market requirements. In a specific host country, overseas headquarters, established by the HQs, may substitute for the headquarters in transferring host country-specific knowledge among member firms via formal mechanisms. When a business group belongs to federal decentralization, external market mechanisms will be adopted to transfer knowledge among its member firms. The overseas headquarters hardly governs transferring knowledge among overseas member firms and the headquarters. When the overseas headquarters is established, the headquarters adopts auditing connection to prevent the host country from monopolizing host-country-specific knowledge.
    A headquarters can successfully implement multiple formal and informal mechanisms for knowledge transfer. With respect to knowledge transfer, the higher the level of subsidiary autonomy, the greater the necessity the headquarters rely on formal mechanisms to transfer host-country-specific knowledge among member firms. Encouraging sharing within a business group through some managerial mechanisms can wear down the negative influence caused by opportunism and information asymmetry on the part of the subsidiary and the inter-member competition for the transfer of host-country-specific knowledge. Overseas headquarters accumulates a vast experience and are capable of absorbing, transferring and applying knowledge adequately. They can transcend the geographical limitations and establish good cooperation relations between knowledge originator (the subsidiaries in the host country) and knowledge receiver (other sister firms and the headquarters), warranting the success of the knowledge transfer. Provided that knowledge is tacit, information technology is necessity in transferring knowledge initially documented while social interaction is needed in transferring the rest knowledge embedded in persons. Finally, product and technology similarity are factors affecting how headquarters rely on formal mechanisms in transferring knowledge among member firms.
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    鄭祥麟 (2005),「策略聯盟所引發組織改變之研究」,國立政治大學企業管理學研究所未出版博士論文。
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