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    政大機構典藏 > 商學院 > 企業管理學系 > 學位論文 >  Item 140.119/59761
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    Title: 資訊品質與品牌社群忠誠意向之關係 - 以台北地區有機食品商店社群為例
    The relationship between information quality and brand community loyalty intention - evidences from organic food store clubs in Taipei area
    Authors: 陳利澤
    Chen, Li Tse
    Contributors: 張愛華
    Zhang, Ai Hwa
    Chen, Li Tse
    Keywords: 資訊品質
    information quality
    brand community
    brand community loyalty intentions
    Date: 2010
    Issue Date: 2013-09-03 14:36:26 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 近年來有關於品牌的研究逐漸朝向品牌社群的相關研究,探討其中的社會性意義與品牌認同、忠誠意向的關係。但過往在研究品牌社群上,皆側重於探討社會性的影響因子,諸如關係品質、互動品質等等,而較少著墨於其他的影響媒介,諸如資訊品質。資訊品質是影響虛擬社群成員滿意度與忠誠意向的關
    鍵因素(Andersen,and Srinivasan,2003; Parks, and Kory,1996; Zeithaml and Berry,1996)。國內學者江義平與林佳蓁(2006)的研究也指出資訊品質會對虛擬社群成員的滿意以及信任有正向的影響。Jang, Olfman, Ko, Koh and Kim (2008)則指出資訊品質對於虛擬社群成員的承諾並無顯著關係。然而,資訊品質與實體的品牌社群之間的相關性研究則有待進一步探討。


    In recent years, researches on the brand gradually emphasize brand community studies, which explore the influence of social meaning and the relationship between brand identification and loyalty intentions. But the researches on brand communities in the past focused more on the impact of social factors, such as relationship quality, interactive quality, etc., and less investigated the impact of information quality. Information quality is regarded as one of the key factors of the satisfaction and loyalty intentions for the members of virtual community (Andersen, and Srinivasan, 2003; Parks, and Kory, 1996; Zeithaml and Berry, 1996). Jiang Yiping (2006) also pointed out that the quality of information has a positive influence on the virtual community members’ satisfaction and trust. Yet, Jang, Olfman, Ko, Koh and Kim (2008) pointed out that the information quality has no significant influence on the virtual community members’ commitment. However, the relationship between information quality and physical brand community is to be further explored.

    This research focuses on the members of the physical organic food store communities in Taipei area. It tests the hypotheses by estimating a structural equation model with survey data from a sample of the members of the organic food store culbs in Taipei area.

    After questionnaire investigation and SEM analysis, the empirical results are divided into three parts:

    1.Information quality affects brand community loyalty intention through the mediation effect of community identification. And the accuracy, completeness, relevance, timeliness and consistency of the information quality have positive and significant effects on brand identifiaction.
    2.Brand community identification not only influences the brand community loyalty intention through brand community commitment, but also directly affects the brand community loyalty intention positively and significantly.
    3.Brand community identification doesn’t affect the brand community loyalty intentions through the mediation of normative pressure.
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