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    Title: 不當督導行為與部屬後果之關係—負面情緒的中介效果
    The relationship of abusive supervision and subordinate consequences—the mediation effect of negative emotion
    Authors: 張真瑜
    Contributors: 胡昌亞
    Keywords: 不當督導
    Abusive Supervision
    Affective Event Theory
    negative emotions
    emotion regulation
    Date: 2011
    Issue Date: 2013-09-03 13:28:16 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 目前對於不當督導與部屬後果之關係的心理機制研究,大部分侷限於組織正義的範疇裡,本研究根據情感事件理論,提出部屬之負面情緒在不當督導與部屬反應間的中介角色,不當督導藉由引發部屬的負面情緒,影響其工作滿意、情緒耗竭及離職意圖;本研究進一步探討個人的傳統性、認知再評估情緒調控策略在部屬不當督導知覺和負面情緒之關係的調節效果,此外,研究並假設個人壓抑式與認知再評估情緒調控,會調節部屬負面情感與工作滿意、離職意圖及情緒耗竭的關係。本研究採便利取樣,共收集218筆有直屬主管之在職員工資料,經階層迴歸分析發現,一,憤怒情緒具有中介效果:知覺不當督導關係到部屬憤怒情緒的升高,進而工作滿意低落、情緒耗竭嚴重及離職意圖增加;二,認知再評估能緩衝知覺不當督導與害怕情緒的關係;三,認知再評估高的部屬,其害怕情緒和工作滿意的相關較弱。本研究有助於管理者體認工作情緒在不當督導對部屬影響的重要性,並指出認知再評估情緒調控策略,對於減緩員工負面情緒及負面後果的助益。最後,針對研究限制、未來研究方向提出說明與建議。
    Current examinations of the psychological mechanism of abusive supervision and subordinate consequences focus mostly on organizational justice. According to Affective Event Theory, the present study proposed that subordinates’ negative emotions may mediate the relationship between abusive supervision and subordinate job satisfaction, emotion exhaustion, and intention to leave. Further, the study investigated the moderating effect of subordinates’ traditionality and two emotion regulation strategies, cognitive reappraisal and expressive inhibition, in the above relationships.
    Hierarchical regression analyses on data collected from a sample of 218 full-time employees in Taiwan were used to test the proposed hypotheses. Results show that anger mediated the positive relationship between abusive supervision and employee outcomes such that abusive supervision is positively correlated with subordinates’ anger, which further leads to lower job satisfaction, higher emotion exhaustion and intention to leave. Second, cognitive reappraisal moderated the relationship between abusive supervision and subordinates’ fear as well as the relationship between subordinates’ fear and job satisfaction. Those findings indicated the importance of subordinates’ emotions and the buffering effect of cognitive reappraisal in the relationship between abusive supervision and subordinate consequences. Based on the results of the study, limitations, practional implications and suggestions for future research are discussed.
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