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    政大機構典藏 > 理學院 > 心理學系 > 學位論文 >  Item 140.119/59700
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    Title: 自豪與堅持:一位壽險業務員的生命故事
    Pride and persistence: Life story of an insurance salesman
    Authors: 古仲軒
    Contributors: 鍾昆原
    Keywords: 自豪
    insurance salesman
    Date: 2009
    Issue Date: 2013-09-03 13:26:08 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 與過去相比,年輕世代在優渥的環境中成長,使社會大眾對他們產生抗壓性不足的刻板印象。近年來隨著全球化的發展,人們在工作中面對的競爭將更加激烈。為了能脫穎而出,對於年輕族群而言找出持續投入工作的關鍵因素便顯得相當重要。本研究採取心理傳記學法,針對2007年商業周刊壽險業務員金獎得主黃志明的生命經驗作深度的檢視與詮釋,企圖找出能在高挑戰的工作環境中持續投入的關鍵因素。研究結果發現,促使黃志明樂在工作的關鍵因素為自豪。自豪激發了黃志明的高成就動機,也使他堅守父親所教導的誠信與勤奮處世原則,幫助他在遇到挫折時能夠抱持正向的態度,不斷地目標邁進。黃志明的自豪來自對家庭的重視與對家人的愛,希望工作有所成就使父母與家人以自己為榮,也因此盡到照顧家人的責任,進而對自己感到自豪,促進持續投入工作的行為。黃志明的行為受到華人文化中重視家庭觀念的深度影響,為了成就家庭才積極地追求成功而非單純地追求主流價值觀認可。本研究結果突顯進行心理學研究時,應將不同文化背景納入考量的必要性,據以發展合適的本土心理學理論,並對於學術研究有所貢獻。本文最後提出研究者對於研究的自我省思以及對於未來相關研究的建議。
    In comparison with the old one, new generation is grown up in an rich environment, that is why people always think young people can barely overcome frustration. However, with globalization, it is getting more and more important for young people to discover how to work hard over a long period of time in such a competitive work environment. The present study take psychobiography as method, and take the winner of insurance golden trophy salesman held by Business Week in 2007, Alex Huang, as study subject, try to find out the key factor for working persistently in a competitive environment. According to the study result, the key factor for Alex Huang working persistently is pride. Pride could induce high motivation in pursuing success and make him obey the rule given by his father. Pride even could help him face frustration positively and keep on working hard. The pride of Alex Huang comes from his love to family. He wants his family to be proud of his achievement so as to take care of his family. After attending his goals he would work harder through the pride. The behavior of Alex Huang was deeply affected by Chinese culture, he devote himself to pursuing success for his family but not just attain recognized accomplishment. The present study reveals the necessity to develop local psychology theory to contribute to academic study. In the last chapter, suggestions for future academic study and reflection of researcher are proposed.
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    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0096752016
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