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    Title: 第二型糖尿病患者的反思及反芻特質與疾病表徵對自我照護行為的影響
    Illness representations, reflection and rumination as predictors of self-care behaviours in patients with type II diabetes
    Authors: 張瓊文
    Chang, Chung Wen
    Contributors: 許文耀
    Chang, Chung Wen
    Keywords: 第二型糖尿病患者
    type 2 diabetes
    the common sense model
    illness representations
    self-care behaviors
    Date: 2010
    Issue Date: 2013-09-03 13:25:06 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 研究目的:本研究使用共通信念模式,以瞭解第二型糖尿病患者持有的疾病表徵對自我照護行為的預測關係。過去的研究顯示,糖尿病患者的「控制」表徵能夠有效預測患者的自我照護行為和糖化血色素值;也就是,患者相信疾病能被控制的程度愈高,在自我照護行為的表現愈好,糖化血色素值愈低。但是,「結果」表徵與「情緒」表徵無法顯著一致的預測患者的自我照護行為。透過回顧與健康行為相關的理論發展與文獻,考量慢性疾病的自我調節歷程中,除了疾病表徵以外,還需要納入與自我意識有關的人格特質。為此,本研究目的有四:(1)先檢驗在台灣糖尿病患者的疾病表徵建構,是否與國外使用疾病共通信念模式的研究結果一致,有相同的因素結構。(2)檢定台灣第二型糖尿病患者,其持有的疾病表徵對自我照護行為與血糖控制的預測,是否與Harvey和Lawson(2009)的研究結果一致。(3)評估糖尿病患者的人格特質對自我照護行為與糖化血色素值的影響。(4)探索第二型糖尿病患者反芻反思特質,在疾病表徵影響自我照護行為上的調節效果。


    研究結果:(1)臺灣第二型糖尿病患者的疾病表徵結構與國外患者相似,共包含:「認同」、「病因」、「時間感急慢性」、「時間感循環性」、「結果」、「情緒」和「控制」表徵。(2)研究結果與Harvey和Lawson(2009)的研究結果一致,「控制」表徵可以顯著預測整體自我照護行為和糖化血色素值。(3)第二型糖尿病患者的反芻反思特質,無法單獨預測自我照護行為與糖化血色素值。(4) 第二型糖尿病患者的反芻反思特質會與病表徵產生交互作用,共同調節各種自我照護行為的表現。

    Background and Aims.
    It is increasingly being used to understand and predict individuals` coping with and subsequent self-care of chronic illness is Leventhal and colleagues` the common sense model. This model postulates that it is the individual`s illness representation is the proximal determinant of coping behavior. The role of personality in determining self-care behavior has been relatively ignored, possibly because of the lack of convergence in concepts and measures.
    Due to the lack of research in the area of interest, the present study attempt to resolve this issue. We investigated, (a) using subjects of Type-II diabetes in Taiwan, are the results of present study similar as others studies directed by common sense model to identify the factors of illness representation, (b) discussing the influences of illness representation to self-care behavior and glycemic control (HbA1c); like as Harvey and Lawson(2009)’s study, (c) assessing whether traits of normal personality are associated with variations in self-care behavior and glycemic control in patients with type 2 diabetes, (d) examining whether personality moderate the relationships between illness representations and self-care behavior.

    Patients were eligible if they had Type 2 diabetes, were aged 20 years or more at diagnosis. Before we collect data, a physician will invite patient to enter the study. Patient want to join this study, they be giving an informed consent and be asked to complete four questionnaires. A total 142 patients completed the demographic survey ( age, educational level, diabetes duration et al.), Diabetes Self-Care Scale, the Revised Illness Perception Questionnaire(IPQ-R), the Chinese version of Rumination- Reflection Questionnaire. Analysis were concluded using multiple regression analysis, logistic regression and so on.

    The results revealed that: (1) as our hypothesis, the structures of the IPQ-R in type 2 diabetes in Taiwan were similar as other foreign studies directed by common sense model. (2) Control representation can induce main effect on self care behavior. Higher control representation was significantly positive associated with self care behavior, and it was significantly negative associated with HbA1c. (3) Self reflection and self rumination were inconsistently associated with self care behavior and HbA1c. (4) Personality moderated the relationships between illness representations and self-care behavior.

    This study supports the Common Sense Model (CSM) of illness representation when considering type 2 diabetes in Taiwan. Based on our results, we found personality traits may offer new insights in to variations in self-care in patients with type 2 diabetes undergoing standard management. Personality refers as self-reflection and self-rumination which moderated the relationships between illness representations and self-care behavior. Therefore, CSM could become the theoretical framework for psychological interventions in type 2 diabetes. Furthermore, according to the study result, we suggested the practitioners paying attention to the different interaction when representation and personality are together in diabetes’ each self-care behavior.
    Reference: 中文部份

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