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    Title: 鐵路警察組織公民行為對工作滿意度之研究
    A Study of Railway Police Organizational Citizenship Behaviors on Job Satisfaction
    Authors: 王寶章
    Contributors: 蕭武桐
    Keywords: 鐵路警察
    Date: 2009
    Issue Date: 2013-09-03 11:32:22 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本研究主要探討鐵路警察的個人特質,對組織公民行為、工作滿意度的相關影響,並回顧過去有關組織公民行為、工作滿意度的相關文獻,主要在關切鐵路警察個人特質與組織公民行為二變項是否會產生工作滿意度的關係。
    This research aims to investigate the relative influences of railway police’s personal characteristics (RPPC) to organizational citizenship behaviors (OCB) and job satisfaction. By reviewing documents related to OCB and job satisfaction, the main concern is whether the two variables, RPPC and OCB, would enhance the job satisfaction.

    The main objectives of this research are to examine: (1) the effects of RPPC on OCB, (2) the effects of RPPC on job satisfaction, and (3) the relations of job satisfaction with railway police OCB.

    By reviewing documents of OCB and administering questionnaires, the relations among RPPC, OCB, and job satisfaction were interpreted, and the results and suggestions were stated. The methods used for this research were “document analysis” and “questionnaire survey.” The investigation was quantified, and approaches of the questionnaires were mainly the railway policemen of out posts throughout the nation. With determined sampling, 352 questionnaires were administered, and data collected was processed by related statistical analysis (descriptive statistics, factor analysis, ANOVA, relative analysis, multiple regression analysis, etc).

    The results of investigating RPPC indicate that their age structure was tending old, and that less-experienced staff with seniority less than 3 years was the majority. The reason was the establishment of new unit, “high speed railway police division,” according to the expansion of high speed rail during July, 2006, had caused transferring of great police force from other posts. The other personal characteristic was that majority of railway police wish to reside and work at the same city. Both the work seniority and the reason of transfer were significant factors influencing job satisfaction. In addition, the results of investigating railway police OCB indicate the staff in general had the characteristics of willingness to obey, self-manage and fulfill obligations, which also had high influence on job satisfaction.
    Collectively, the findings of this thesis demonstrate that to improve job satisfaction of railway police, the population structure should be modulated to be younger, and the retirement regulation of senior police force should be thoroughly planned. It is also suggested that the railway police authorities to pay attentions to improve working environment and to continuously advance professional capacities of the basic level police force. With regular trainings, railway police’s experience can be transmitted and interchanged, and the fine energy, as well as a renewed image, of railway police would be established.

    Keywords: railway police, personal characteristics, organizational citizenship behaviors (OCB), job satisfaction.
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