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Title: | 任務型導向教學法對國小六年級學童英文口語能力之效益研究 The Effectiveness of Task-Based Instruction on English Speaking Proficiency for Sixth Graders |
Authors: | 彭怡玲 Peng, I Ling |
Contributors: | 葉潔宇 Yeh, Chieh Yue 彭怡玲 Peng, I Ling |
Keywords: | 任務型導向教學法 口語能力 task-based instruction speaking proficiency |
Date: | 2012 |
Issue Date: | 2013-09-02 17:44:16 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 本研究在探討任務型導向教學法對國小六年級學童英文口語能力的影響。研究對象為台灣北部某國小六年級的兩個班級,共57人。此口語能力相近的兩個班級經隨機分派指定為實驗組與控制組。在為期8週,每週一節的實驗教學中,實驗組接受任務型導向教學法進行口語練習,對照組則接受傳統教學法進行口語練習。兩組皆於教學前及教學後接受口語能力測驗,以了解接受不同教學法的學童在口語流暢度及正確度上是否有差異。測驗所得的資料以成對樣本t檢定及獨立樣本t檢定分析進行統計分析。
(3)在口語流暢度方面,接受任務型導向教學法的研究對象表現顯著優於接受傳統教學法的研究對象;(4)在口語正確度方面,任務型導向教學法與傳統教學法成效相同;(5)對於高成就學習者之口語流暢度及正確度而言,任務型導向教學法與傳統教學法無顯著不同。對於低成就學習者之口語流暢度而言,任務型導向教學法與傳統教學法有顯著不同。對於低成就學習者之口語正確度而言,任務型導向教學法與傳統教學法無顯著不同。最後,研究者針對任務型導向教學法與傳統教學法在實際教學上的應用提供建議,以為教育工作者參考。 The present study aims at investigating the effectiveness of task-based instruction on English speaking proficiency for sixth graders. Two classes with homogenous speaking level comprising 57 sixth graders were selected from one elementary school in northern Taiwan and were randomly assigned as the experimental and control groups. During the 8-week instructional experiment with one period of class per week, the experimental group received task-based instruction while the control group received traditional instruction. The data collected from the pre-test and the post-test assessing the participants’ performances on speaking fluency and accuracy were analyzed by paired-sample t-test and independent t-tests.
The major findings of the present study are summarized as below. (1) The experimental group who received task-based instruction made significant progress on both speaking fluency and accuracy. (2) The control group who received traditional instruction made significant progress only on speaking fluency but not on accuracy. (3) The experimental group who received task-based instruction performed better than the control group who received traditional instruction on speaking fluency. (4) The experimental group who received task-based instruction and the control group who received traditional instruction performed in an equal manner on speaking accuracy. (5) There was no significant difference between task-based instruction and traditional instruction for high proficiency learners on speaking fluency or accuracy. There was a significant difference between task-based instruction and traditional instruction for low proficiency learners on speaking fluency but not on accuracy. Finally, pedagogical implications and recommendations for future studies were stated at the end of the present study. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 英語教學碩士在職專班 98951015 101 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0098951015 |
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