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    Title: 前導組織對影片教學聽力理解的成效—圖像語境線索vs.文字語境關鍵
    Effects of Two Advance Organizers on Listening Comprehension in Video Viewing— Pictorial Contextual Cues versus Verbal Contextual Keys
    Authors: 張秀帆
    Contributors: 黃淑真
    Huang, Shu Chen
    Keywords: 前導組織
    advance organizer
    Date: 2012
    Issue Date: 2013-09-02 17:43:54 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本研究旨在探討前導組織(advance organizer)教學對國中生英文聽力理解的影響。關於前導組織的實證研究為數眾多,其中不少分別針對圖像類(pictorial)及文字類(verbal)前導組織對聽力促進、閱讀習得之效用做探討,未見有研究將兩類前導組織的效用一起比較。因此,本實驗採用此兩類前導組織,經量化研究方法,探究「圖像語境線索」(Pictorial Contextual Cues)及「文字語境關鍵」(Verbal Contextual Keys) 對國中生觀看無字幕英語發音影片時聽力理解的影響。
    研究對象為台灣北部一所國立高中之國中部三年級三個班的八十七位學生,三個班級皆採常態分班,經隨機指定為兩實驗組及一對照組。實驗歷時四個禮拜,實驗前對三組受試者施以前測—GEPT中級聽力測驗—以得知受試者個別的英文聽力程度。實驗後讓受試者填寫一態度問卷,以得知受試者對前導組織的看法及感想。實驗時,觀看教學影片前,兩個實驗組及一個對照組分別接受「圖像語境線索」(Pictorial Contextual Cues)、「文字語境關鍵」(Verbal Contextual Keys)及「無實驗處理」(No treatment),前導組織教學後隨即觀看一個約五分鐘長的無字幕英語教學影片(instructional video)。影片觀看後,三組受試者隨即接受研究者根據影片聽力內容自編的測驗,以得知受試者的理解程度。如此的實驗過程重複三次,四個禮拜後,根據三個聽後測驗的結果進行統計分析,本研究主要發現
    如下:(1)整體而言,「圖像語境線索」與「文字語境關鍵」分別對國中生觀看無字幕英文教學影片的聽力理解是有幫助的;(2)整體而言,「圖像語境線索」與「文字語境關鍵」對國中生觀看無字幕英文教學影片的聽力理解,兩者間的效用並無顯著差異;(3)大部分受試者對前導組織教學在英文聽力理解的幫助持正向態度,認為前導組織有助於英文聽力理解;(4)相較於「圖像語境線索」,較多受試者願意再接受「文字語境關鍵」前導組織教學的幫助。最後,研究者認為雖額外準備教材需花費許多時間、精力,但能讓學生經由前導組織的幫助,在影片教學中習得“真實語言(real language)”,不僅能藉此促進學生的學習動機,也能讓英文聽力訓練更加有趣、多變。
    This study is to investigate the effects of the two advance organizers—pictorial contextual cues and verbal contextual keys—on students’ English listening comprehension. There were many empirical studies examining the effects of pictorial or verbal advance organizers respectively. However, based on the researcher’s literature review, effects of these two distinct types of advance organizers have not been compared. Hence, the researcher intended to find out if the two advance organizers—pictorial contextual cues and verbal contextual keys—facilitate students’ English listening comprehension on watching video clips without captions.

    There were 87 9th-grade participants, divided into two experimental groups and one control group, receiving pictorial contextual cues, verbal contextual keys, and no treatment. In the beginning, all participants received a test, i.e. the listening comprehension section of General English Proficiency Test (GEPT) intermediate level. Then, the three groups received their respective treatments in three consecutive weeks. Each time after the treatments, participants watched a 5-minute video clip and took a listening test on the content they just heard. After viewing the three video clips, on the fourth week, participants filled out an attitude questionnaire to express their perceptions of advance organizers. Analyzing the results of the three listening tests and the questionnaire, the researcher found that both groups receiving advance organizers significantly outscored the control group. However, there was no significant difference between the two advance organizers. As for students’ attitude,
    more than half of all the participants agreed on the effectiveness of the two advance organizers. Yet, more students in the Verbal Contextual Keys group held positive attitude on receiving the advance organizer again.
    Though designing or preparing advance organizers and selecting suitable authentic/instructional video materials may take teachers much extra time and energy, students could be motivated when they learned the “real language.” Moreover, English listening training could be more interesting and diverse.
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