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    Title: 中國經濟成長於拉丁美洲及加勒比海地區之影響:以秘魯為例(1990-2011)
    The Impact of China`s Economic Growth in Latin America and the Caribbean Region: The Peruvian Case (1990-2011)
    Authors: 克里斯緹
    Contributors: 邱稔壤
    Keywords: 秘魯
    Latin America and the Caribbean
    investment inflows
    foreign direct investment
    Date: 2013
    Issue Date: 2013-09-02 17:41:25 (UTC+8)
    Abstract:    數十年以前我們可能無法想像亞洲巨人-中國,會被視為世界上最具吸引力的市場,而中國商業和經濟環境備受關注,不單由於該國快速的經濟成長,更因其成功的本質。現今世界經濟聚焦於如何與中國建立更緊密的關係。從未來的觀點看來,將直接影響我們商業方向、學術舞台、貿易政策決策和投資方向。
    Some decades ago, we wouldn’t have imagined that this Asian giant, China, would be categorized as the most attractive markets in the world. The business and economic environment is under investigation, not just because of its faster economic growth but also due to the nature of its success. Nowadays, the economic world is focusing in establishing closer ties with China because the future perspectives ensure us that it will have direct implications in business directions, academic arena, trade policy decisions, and investments directions.
    This thesis attempts to study the case of Peruvian economic, political and social reforms during the 1990s as a way to establish closer economic and trade relations with China. The impact of China’s rise will be analyzed from a more general case, meaning China’s economic impact in the Latin American and the Caribbean region as a whole, followed by the impact in the specific case of the Peruvian economy. The Peruvian case will focus in the trade opportunities before and after the FTA Peru-China and the current economic relations of both countries. In order to see the complementary relation in matters of trade policies, the research will include a brief analysis of China’s “going global” policy to the Latin American and the Caribbean region and the opportunities it will bring to the region.
    The study found enough evidence to confirm the fact that China’s position in the international market enabled the Peruvian economic growth during the period 1991-2011. Second, the opening trade policies raised by Peru during the 1990s enabled it to take advantage of the opportunities offered by the Chinese market. Finally, we corroborated that the growing demand of goods and services from China has influenced Peruvian exports of traditional and non-traditional products in a positive way.
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