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    Title: 經貿互賴與兩岸衝突:貿易衝突論的解析
    Economic Interdependence and Taiwan Strait Conflicts: Analysis of Trade and Conflict Theories
    Authors: 邱亞屏
    Chiu, Ya Ping
    Contributors: 姜家雄
    Chiang, Chia Hsiung
    Chiu, Ya Ping
    Keywords: 貿易衝突論
    Trade and Conflict
    Economic Interdependence
    Cross-Strait Relations
    Date: 2006
    Issue Date: 2013-09-02 17:32:28 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 冷戰結束後國際關係有了重大改變,科學、交通及通訊發展促進國家間交往;資本加深國家間因各種交流而形成競爭但共存的局面;國際組織及跨國機構的大量產生,並發生作用,國家自主性及獨立性降低;全球性問題的產生,非一國之力所能解決。「相互依賴」(interdependence)成為當今國際關係中最引人注目的現象之一,各國間交流頻繁、關係密切,彼此相互影響。學者開始探討貿易對於衝突的影響,並引起學界激烈的爭辯。大部分自由主義學者認為,貿易可促進和平,因發生衝突的代價太高;現實主義學者則主張,貿易頻繁則會增加摩擦或衝突發生的可能性。


    After cold war, the international relations had been changed significantly. Development of science, transportation and communication has increased interaction between countries. Capital deepened various aspects of exchanges between counties and formed a situation of competition but also coexistence. Governmental and non-governmental international organizations and transnational enterprises blossomed and took effect, which decreases countries’ independence. Global issues can not be solved by a single country. Interdependence has become one of the most noticeable phenomena. More interactions between countries result in closer relationship, and inevitably countries have influence on each other. Academics then began to discuss how trade affects the occurrence of conflict. Most liberalists believe that trade can promote peace as the cost of conflict is too high. On the contrary, realists argue that trade will increase friction and the possibility of conflict.

    Cross-straits relations are the best example. Since Mainland China has adopted “Economic reform and open door policy” in 1979, bilateral trade between two sides has grown increasingly. It can be demonstrated in different aspects, such as import and export trade, investment, technology, personnel and society. The bilateral relation has been gradually forming the structure of interdependence. However, political disputes between two sides have been existed for quite a long time and it is not easy to settle. On one hand, political disputes constantly occur; on the other hand, economic and trade interaction and non-governmental contacts vigorously growing. Mainland China and Taiwan intensely depend on each other, and Strait economic divisions of labor become import part of global economy system.

    This research aims to discuss the impact of economic and trade interdependence on conflict between countries. To start with analyzing the theories of trade and conflict and finding out causality of trade volume and possibility of conflict, then take cross-straits relations as an example. Based on interdependence theory, which argues that trade produces peace, the research analyzes bilateral economic relations by using statistics and data and links the conflict incidents happened between Taiwan and Mainland China in order to conclude whether economic relations have positive or negative effect upon political interaction.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0090253005
    Data Type: thesis
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