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    Title: 幼兒英語學習之家庭教育環境、 父母效能與英語學習熱情之關係
    The Relationship Among Family Educational Environment, Parental Efficacy And Preschoolers` Passion in Learning English
    Authors: 謝皓薇
    Hsieh, Hao Wei
    Contributors: 葉玉珠
    Yeh, Yu Chu
    Hsieh, Hao Wei
    Keywords: 英語學習
    Learning English
    Family Educational Environment
    Parental Efficacy
    Date: 2012
    Issue Date: 2013-09-02 17:27:40 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本研究旨在探討學齡前幼兒的英語學習家庭教育環境、父母效能與英語學習熱情之關係。本研究以台灣地區私立連鎖幼兒園515位大班家長為研究對象,其中包含127位男性、388位女性。研究工具包括幼兒英語學習父母效能量表、幼兒英語學習家庭教育環境量表與幼兒英語學習熱情量表。本研究採用單因子多變量變異數分析與結構方程模式分析進行資料分析。研究發現陳述如下:

    一、 以父母效能與家庭教育環境為自變項、以和諧性熱情與強迫性熱情

    二、 參與幼兒具有中上程度的英語學習父母效能、家庭教育環境及學習熱情。

    三、 父母共同陪伴學習之幼兒的父母效能、家庭教育環境與英語學習熱

    四、 全美班之幼兒的父母效能、家庭教育環境與英語學習熱情均優於雙

    五、 父母親之教育程度與幼兒參與者的家庭教育環境、父母效能與英語
    The main purpose of this study was to explore the relationships among preschoolers’ family educational environment, parental efficacy and passion in learning English. The participants in this study were 515 preschoolers’ parents in Taiwan. Among the participants, 127 were males and 388 were females. Moreover, the employed instruments included the Inventory of Preschoolers’ Family Educational Environment in Learning English, the Inventory of Preschoolers’ Parental efficacy in Learning English, the Inventory of Preschoolers’ Passion in Learning English. The collected data was analyzed by one-way MANOVAs and Structional Equation Modeling (SEM). The main findings of this study were as follows:
    1.The preschoolers’ family educational environment and
    parental efficacy had direct effects on their harmonious and obsessive passion; moreover, the interaction of preschoolers ’ parental efficacy and family educational environment had direct effects on their obsessive passion via parental efficacy, the interaction of preschoolers’ family educational environment and parental efficacy had direct effects on their harmonious passion via family educational environment, and preschoolers’ obsessive passion had indirect effects on their harmonious passion.

    2. The preschoolers had an above-average level of family educational environment,
    parental efficacy and passion in learning English.

    3. Preschoolers who were accompanied by both parents when learning English had stronger passion than those who were only accompanied by father or mother.

    4. Preschoolers in the No Chinese classes had stronger passion in learning English than those who were in bilingual classes.

    5. The educational backgrounds of parents were not related to preschoolers’ family educational environment, parental efficacy, and passion in learning English.
    Reference: 參考文獻

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