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Title: | 親子知覺之教養方式與偏差行為關係之研究:以臺灣青少年成長歷程研究資料庫為例 Parental and adolescent perceptions of parenting styles in relation to adolescent deviant behaviors: Evidence from the Taiwan Youth Project |
Authors: | 詹欣怡 Chan, Hsin Yi |
Contributors: | 邱美秀 詹欣怡 Chan, Hsin Yi |
Keywords: | 父母教養方式 偏差行為 親子知覺差異 臺灣青少年成長歷程研究 parenting style deviant behavior perceptual discrepancy on parenting Taiwan Youth Project |
Date: | 2012 |
Issue Date: | 2013-09-02 17:27:18 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 本研究使用「臺灣青少年成長歷程研究」2000年國三樣本第一波學生和家長問卷的資料,探討親子知覺教養方式的差異性,同時了解親子知覺的教養方式與國中生偏差行為之關係,並以子女知覺的教養方式為中介變項。 本研究之分析方法為描述性統計、相依樣本變異數分析、結構方程模式等,研究結果顯示:一、最常出現的教養方式為監督教養,最少出現的教養方式則為嚴厲教養;而國中生偏差行為的發生情形不高;二、親子雙方的教養知覺有顯著差異;三、本研究提出親子知覺的教養方式與偏差行為之結構關係模式皆獲得支持,(一)親子知覺監督教養的程度愈高,子女發生偏差行為的情形愈低,而子女知覺的監督教養也具有中介效果;(二)子女知覺嚴厲教養的程度愈高,其發生偏差行為的情形也愈高,而父母知覺的嚴厲教養則完全透過子女知覺的嚴厲教養之中介效果,而影響子女的偏差行為;(三)母子知覺引導式教養的程度愈高,子女發生偏差行為的情形愈低,同時子女知覺的引導式教養也具有中介效果,然而父子部分則皆無顯著影響;(四)親子知覺的一致性教養皆對偏差行為沒有顯著的預測力。據此,本研究提出相關討論與建議。 This study explored the differences between parental and adolescent perceptions of parenting styles, and examined the relationships between these perceptions and adolescent deviant behaviors. Adolescent perception of parenting styles also played a role of mediated variable. The data come from questionnaires filled out by ninth-grade students and their parents from the Taiwan Youth Project in 2000. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, ANOVA of paired samples, and structural equation modeling. The results showed that : 1. The frequency of deviant behavior of junior high school students was low. 2. The frequency of monitoring was the highest, and the frequency of harsh disciplines was the lowest. 3. The differences between parental and adolescent perceptions of parenting styles were significant. 4. The results of confirmatory factor analysis supported the theoretical model of parental and adolescent perceptions of parenting styles and adolescent deviant behaviors. (1) When parents and adolescents perceived more monitoring, the adolescents had less opportunity to engage in deviant behavior. Adolescent perception of monitoring also played an important mediating role. (2) When adolescents perceived more harsh disciplines, they had more opportunity to engage in deviant behavior. Through the mediating effect of adolescent perception of harsh disciplines, parental perception of harsh disciplines had significant effects on adolescent deviant behaviors. (3) When mothers and adolescents perceived more inductive reasoning, the adolescents had less opportunity to engage in deviant behavior. Adolescent perception of inductive reasoning also played an important mediating role. However, paternal and adolescent perceptions of inductive reasoning had no significant effects on adolescent deviant behaviors. (4) Parental and adolescent perceptions of consistency had no significant effects on adolescent deviant behaviors. This study also proposed some relevant suggestions. |
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