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Title: | 聚集經濟形成因素之研究 The Analysis of the Causes of Agglomeration |
Authors: | 蘇曉瑞 Sue, Hsiao Ray |
Contributors: | 劉小蘭 Liu, Hsiao Lan 蘇曉瑞 Sue, Hsiao Ray |
Keywords: | 聚集經濟 地方化經濟 都市化經濟 地方吉尼係數 agglomeration localization urbanization locational gini coefficients |
Date: | 2011 |
Issue Date: | 2013-09-02 17:09:12 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 聚集經濟概念自提出後,於產業領域與都市領域皆已經有廣泛性研究,並且聚集經濟現象更被視為經濟成長的引擎,然而,深究聚集經濟的形成原因,目前國際上經濟學界正開始大量研究其原因且已有重要發現,相對的,反觀國內對聚集經濟所帶來之產業與都市之影響效果,已不乏許多研究著作,然而對於聚集經濟之形成因素探討卻較為缺乏,基於此由,遂興起本篇論文研究之動機。 本研究以台灣電子零組件產業為研究對象,並以全台區域為空間範疇,時間範圍以民國85年至民國95年為觀察期間,並以行政院主計處工商普查資料為基礎,進行跨期追蹤資料分析。此分析後得出國內聚集經濟形成因素中以勞工群與所得因素較為顯著,其他因素較不顯著之研究結論,針對此種結論可能為國內電子零組件之產業特性,亦或為傳統地理鄰近性觀點較不適用於本次研究。 Agglomeration is commonly regarded as the engine of economy growth. Its influence has also long been realized in the field of industry and urban studies. However, although economic studies have gradually turned its attention to the causes of agglomeration in recent years, Taiwanese academic community has devoted remarkably little attention to this issue. Most foci are still on the agglomeration effects. Therefore, this study aims to scrutinize the causes of agglomeration in Taiwan. We used data addressing Taiwan Electronic Components industry from 1996 to 2006 and included all the counties and cities in Taiwan as regional scope in this study. The data come from Directorate-General of Budget, Accounting, and Statistics, Executive Yuan. Based on the results of Panel Data analysis, we found that Labor Pool and the Income factor are significantly related to agglomeration formation, while other factors do not have significant effect. The insignificant effect may derive from the characteristics of Electronic Components industry in Taiwan or that the proximity of traditional opinion is not suit in this paper. |
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