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    Title: 光復後臺灣省級機關(構)檔案之博碩士論文引用分析研究
    The Citation Analysis of Doctoral Dissertations and Master`s These on Archives of Taiwan Provincial Institutions:After the Retrocession
    Authors: 黃偉訓
    Huang, Wei Hsun
    Contributors: 薛理桂
    Hsueh, Li Kuei
    Huang, Wei Hsun
    Keywords: 引用文獻分析
    Citation Analysis
    Doctoral Dissertations
    Master`s Thses
    Date: 2012
    Issue Date: 2013-09-02 16:23:19 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本研究透過書目計量法分析臺灣博碩士論文加值系統中引用光復後臺灣省省級機關(構)檔案情況。本研究目的有兩項:1.從不同典藏來源方式探討不同學位、校院系所、出版年份、研究內容時期之我國博碩士論文引用光復後臺灣省級機關檔案的分布情形;2.從不同的檔案全宗探討不同學位、校院系所、出版年份、研究內容時期之我國博碩士論文,引用光復後臺灣省級機關檔案的分布情形。


    本研究建議有五項:1. 擴大檔案引用於國內各學科之系所博碩士論文;2.增廣博碩士生研究主題引用光復後臺灣省級機關的檔案;3.增進宣傳光復後臺灣省級機關檔案的典藏;4. 推廣數位化檔案檢索和引用;5.加強數位化典藏檔案的廣度。


    The study analyzes the citations of the archives of Taiwan provincial level institutions in post Taiwan Retrocession from the National Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations in Taiwan using Bibliometrics. The purposes of the study are divided into the following two: 1. analyze the distribution of the archives of Taiwan provincial level institution Taiwan Historica in post Taiwan Retrocession, cited by Taiwan’s theses and dissertations with different degree, schools and departments, year of publication, and period of research content through the different sources of collection; 2. analyze the distribution of the archives of Taiwan provincial level institutions Taiwan Historica in post Taiwan Retrocession, cited by Taiwan’s theses and dissertations with different degree, schools and departments, year of publication, and period of research content through the various general archives.

    The study reaches the following six points of conclusions: 1. the majority of the archives of Taiwan provincial level institution Taiwan Historica in post Taiwan Retrocession by cited theses and dissertations are books (49.4%) and books and digital archives (20.5%);2. the majority of theses and dissertations (52.3%) cite from the preparation of the archives of Taiwan Historica;3. the majority of schools citing the archives of Taiwan provincial level institution Taiwan Historica in post Taiwan Retrocession include National Taiwan Normal University (15.4%), National Cheng Chi University (10.3%), National Taiwan University (10.3%), and National Central University (10.3%), and National University of Tainan (9.6%);4. between 2006 and 2011, about 74.4% of Taiwan’s thesis and dissertations published with citation of the archives of Taiwan provincial level institution Taiwan Historica accounts for 74.4% while the citation for the archives of Taiwan provincial level institution Taiwan Historica shows an upward increasing trend; 5. for the period of research content in theses and dissertations, about 56.2% of them cited the archives of Taiwan provincial level institution Taiwan Historica in post Taiwan Retrocession.;6. the majority of our theses and dissertations come from history institutes, accounting for 51.9% with most citations of the archives of Taiwan provincial level institution Taiwan Historica in post Taiwan Retrocession.

    The study makes the following five suggestions: 1. expand archives citation in these and dissertations from different departments and schools in Taiwan; 2. increase the theses and dissertation topics with citations of the archives of Taiwan provincial level institution Taiwan Historica; 3. increase collection that promotes the archives of Taiwan provincial level institution Taiwan Historica in post Taiwan Retrocession; 4. advocate digital archival query and citations; 5. strengthen the breadth of digital collection archives.

    Keywords : Citation Analysis; Archives; Doctoral Dissertations; Master`s Theses.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0100913012
    Data Type: thesis
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