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Title: | 電子零組件供應商如何在供應鏈中提升產品附加價值 |
Authors: | 李宜真 Li, Yi Chen |
Contributors: | 李易諭 李宜真 Li, Yi Chen |
Keywords: | 價值鏈 供應鏈 附加價值 創新 垂直整合 value chain supply chain value add innovation vertical integration |
Date: | 2012 |
Issue Date: | 2013-09-02 16:14:51 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 波特(2010)將供應商價值鏈、企業的價值鏈、通路價值鏈及客戶價值鏈串連成一個完整的價值系統,說明了產業供應鏈專業分工的特性。然而近幾年來,身為終端客戶的國際大廠為求其產品的新穎性,逐漸從其原本專注的行銷與服務等價值活動,向上游關鍵零組件產業進行垂直整合。台灣的關鍵零組件廠商受到此衝擊,不得不思索如何提高產品附加價值以換取更大的生存空間。
回應上述的國際脈絡,本研究以A公司的發展策略為例,顯示LED照明為LED業者所帶來的新契機。但透過A公司案例的分析,本研究也提醒,國內LED業者需儘速協助終端國際品牌客戶,從早期市場滲透到商機龐大的主流市場,才能在此新興科技市場上擁有一席之地。此時,除了LED模組化的服務外,明確的客戶區隔以避免與客戶競爭,及與客戶合作共同杜絕以低價、低品質侵占主流市場的「產業殺手」,則是A公司在提升對客戶附加價值時的下一步任務。 In Porter’s value system, it implies the interdependent relationship among each participant as one provides a set of value activities that others do not have. However, in these several years, many global firms who used to concentrate on brand marketing and service area, and outsourced manufacturing activities to the Taiwanese suppliers, tend to adopt their own produced parts in a way of vertical integration. As a result, it erodes the market that had been long served by the numerous Taiwanese suppliers. The Taiwanese electronic parts suppliers are forced to think of all kind of value added solutions in order to survive in this industrial revolution. The degree of vertical integration is based on the intensity of competitor interaction. When the scale of the competitor is too big that one is not able to defeat, it usually brings negative result for the defender company. Most LED packaging companies are facing the same trouble with panel markers as they are not able to react the situation where panel markers invest their own inhouse LED packaging companies. This has brought redundant capacity to many LED packaging companies. Thanks to the new emerging technology of LED lighting that has given LED packaging companies an opportunity to re-organize their value chain. They started to offer not only LED component but LED module to become lighting solution providers. We use company A as a case in this study. We suggest that, company A has to co-work with their global brand customers to cross the chasm from early market to the majority market in a quickest way. This is to grip the chance to become market leader and also build a wall from those “industrial killers” of poorer quality and low cost products. |
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