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Title: | 瑞傳科技創新策略個案研究 A Case Study on the Innovation Strategy of Portwell Inc. |
Authors: | 黃至平 Huang, Chih Ping |
Contributors: | 邱奕嘉 Chiu, Yi Chia 黃至平 Huang, Chih Ping |
Keywords: | 工業電腦 個案研究 創新策略 Industrial Computer Case Study Innovation Strategy |
Date: | 2011 |
Issue Date: | 2013-09-02 16:14:35 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 台灣工業電腦面臨產業進入成熟期的高度競爭,以及受到金融海嘯與歐債危機的外在因素惡劣影響,使整個產業的競爭更加劇烈,讓整個工業電腦產業面臨了很大的挑戰與轉型的必要。瑞傳科技身為工業電腦中間規模幾十億左右的中小企業,面臨到許多問題如:產品差異化日漸減少,毛利持續下降的情況,要如何利用本身核心能耐找到差異化機會?遷移新廠後,人員流動增加,同業之間挖腳激烈,尤其是研發人員資源的減少,要如何穩固此基礎?在成本無法降低時,又面臨到競爭對手在大陸設廠,如何利用自身核心能耐自我提升,殺出重圍?
本研究主要利用企業內部資源與策略(Inside Out)之互動,以及策略與環境之互動(Outside In)的方法,找出的策略對應到企業實際執行的問題時來做調整的創新策略方法。因為規模與資料取得性的考量,本文使用個案研究法與質化分析來進行研究。以企業的資源、能力與核心能耐進行討論,了解企業之目標、價值、能力、結構與系統來找到企業內部與策略之互動關係。另外,再藉由產業環境,找到策略與環境之互動,找到如Potter(1996)所提出之活動系統架構。並且根據訪談之問題與資料做出策略的修正,並且重新調整活動系統,作為本研究的主要架構。
針對以上內外部因素分析,本研究建立了現狀活動系統圖,並且針對八十位主管進行訪談後再根據瑞傳科技所面臨的三大挑戰進行修正。本文建立鼓勵產品創新評核機制、VM跨部門小組的組成、以深耕應用產品、建立產品完整性的檢核機制提升產品的差異化與完整性,避免陷入價格戰,增加產品特色。對於高學歷與晚婚的研發人員,在乎的是訓練、留才、惜才與獎勵制度,以及未來升遷的機會,以有效降低人員的流動率。另外,善用瑞傳專住大客戶服務與一條龍的服務,善用台灣第一的規模與設備,提供高附價值的服務、彈性與專業的生產以深耕客戶關係,提供愉快的合作體驗來直接服務終端大客戶,都是瑞傳科技脫離競爭的主要創新策略。 The Industrial Personal Computer(IPC) industry in Taiwan is facing a big challenge and it’s necessary to change because of a highly competitive environment. In addition, this industry has come to a mature stage, and the external impacts such as global economic crisis and European debt crisis make the competition even more severe, and the whole IPC industry is in dire need of transformation. Portwell Inc, one of the medium sized IPC manufacturers with billon NT dollars revenue, is facing problems such as weaker product differentiation and lower profit. How to take the advantage and find the differentiation in our core value? After moving to the new facility, how should Portwell deal with the increasing HR turnover rate , and competitor’s attempts to poach the employees, especially RD? Facing the cost that competitors are producing in China, how can Portwell get through this critical situation?
This research is based on the Inside-Out interaction according to internal resource and strategy and the Outside-In interaction according to the strategy and environment to find out the problem when we implement the strategy and adjust it. Because the scale and the date collecting, we are using Case-Study and Qualitative-Analysis for this research. We will discuss the resource, capability and core competence of the enterprise to understand the version, value, ability, structure and system to find out the internal resource and the interactive relationship in enterprise. Moreover, we will consider the environment, ECO-system of the industry and the interaction between strategy and environment to find the Activity-System according to Potter (1996).
We have checked the physical resource, Intangible resource, organization resource and use five different ways to decide the most efficient way to use resources according to Prahalad(1996). Moreover, this research also refers to the valuable, Rare In-imitable, Non-substitutable of the resource-based view of Barry(1991) to confirm the core-competence of Portwell Inc. Moreover, regarding the 5 forces of external environment analysis, we have concluded and built up the technical barrier, used the relationship with Intel to enlarge the scale, found out the differentiation besides the cost and whether it can catch the trade of ARM. The factors mentioned above are the keys to succeed in the IPC industry.
According to the external and internal factor analysis, we built up the Activity-System Map, then we interviewed 80 supervisors in the company to modify the activity-System map to find out the Innovation-Strategy based on the three questions. We propose to encourage production innovation evaluation mechanism, organize cross-departmental VM team to deeply cultivate product for applications, build up complete mechanism to improve the difference and integrity to prevent price war, and increase the feature of product. As for the senior R&D with higher level education , what matter are training program, H&R reward mechanism and promotion opportunities. To use the first tier scale production line and equipments and offer added-valued service, feasible and professional production to deeply cultivate the relationship with customers in order to offer joyful cooperation experience to serve the important key account are innovation strategies for Portwell. 謝誌 I
中文摘要 II
Abstract IV
目 次 VI
圖目次 VIII
表目次 IX
第壹章、緒論 1
第一節、研究背景與動機 1
第二節、研究問題 4
第三節、研究目的 4
第貳章、文獻探討 5
第一節、策略管理的定義 5
第二節、資源基礎說 7
第三節、能耐基礎與競爭優勢相關理論 14
第四節、產業組織學派相關理論 16
第五節、策略活動系統相關理論 19
第參章、研究方法 23
第一節、研究方法 23
第二節、研究架構 24
第肆章、產業與個案分析 26
第一節、工業電腦產業介紹 26
第二節、工業電腦的應用發展 28
第三節、工業電腦的發展趨勢 31
第四節、台灣工業電腦產業現況 35
第五節、個案公司介紹 38
第伍章、分析與討論 43
第一節、資源與能力的盤點 43
第二節、核心能耐的確認 46
第三節、競爭環境分析 49
第四節、內部訪談與問題分析 53
第陸章、策略活動分析 61
第一節、現狀活動系統圖建立 61
第二節、問題分析與策略活動調整 62
第三節、活動系統策略與可能作法 63
第柒章、結論與建議 66
第一節、 研究結論 66
第二節、 管理意涵 67
第三節、 研究建議與未來方向研究 67
參考文獻 69
中文書籍 69
網路資料: 70 |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 管理碩士學程(AMBA) 99380032 100 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0099380032 |
Data Type: | thesis |
Appears in Collections: | [管理碩士學程/商管專業學院碩士學位學程 AMBA] 學位論文
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