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    题名: 社會企業資源平台之研究 -以CORPS的觀點
    Research of Social Enterprise Resource Platform –from CORPS model perspective
    作者: 林郁杰
    Lin, Yu Chieh
    贡献者: 溫肇東
    Wen, Jordan
    Lin, Yu Chieh
    关键词: 社會企業
    social enterprise
    social enterprise resource platform
    CORPS model
    日期: 2012
    上传时间: 2013-09-02 15:34:09 (UTC+8)
    摘要: 社會企業近年在台灣逐漸受到重視,不僅社會大眾希望其運用商業手段,解決社會問題,許多的企業也希望透過社會企業的概念改造本身組織營運流程,透過解決社會問題,並進而提升品牌形象與消費者認同。台灣公益領域中各樣結合經濟與社會目標之方式,也是希望能夠在重視經濟效益之外達成社會和諧之目的。社會企業資源平台希望快速並有效率的分配資源給社會創業者,媒合機會以及催生社會企業,也成為社會大眾、企業家與願意參與成為志工人士等,萬眾矚目的組織形式與社會風潮。
    In recent years, social enterprises in Taiwan gradually be taken seriously, people wants it to use commercial means to solve social problems. Taiwan`s public welfare field of all sorts combination of economic and social goals of the way, also want to attach importance to social cohesion with economic purposes.
    The non-profit organization is already quite mature and scale in Taiwan, with public enthusiasm, willing to participate like industry experts and scholars. Which can be observed from the environment, that social resources accumulated adequacy and energy has been nurtured. And in the use of resources, there is a slowly rise of platform-based organization, which through establish a network to assist the gathering and use of social resources, for "social enterprise resource platform. " Social Enterprise Resource Platform wish to quickly and efficiently allocation of resources to the social entrepreneurs, matchmaking opportunities and spawned social enterprises
    This study was aimed to analyze the past CORPS model, with the emergence of new organizational forms, modified CORPS model for subsequent analysis of the applicability of the model needs changes in response. Fewer emphasis on past model resource exchange process, with some suggestions that emerging patterns of social enterprise organization to help fix CORPS model for the analysis of the applicability of new types of organizations, found its function for the platform features of the connection, and to further explain the social enterprise and social enterprise resource platform contextually, the different levels and relationships.
    參考文獻: 英文文獻
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