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    Title: 台灣兒童娛樂體驗企業探討研究
    The research of Kid’s Entertainment Experience Industry in Taiwan
    Authors: 沈佳穎
    Chia-Yin Shen
    Contributors: 沈佳穎
    Chia-Yin Shen
    Keywords: 體驗經濟
    Date: 2009
    Issue Date: 2013-09-02 15:33:32 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 人類生活於群體社會中,其社會分工越趨細緻,消費經濟價值不斷演進,所交易的商品也越趨複雜且抽象化,從「有形商品」轉為「無形服務」,進而轉化成個人差異化之「深刻難忘之體驗經濟」,最終以「轉化/昇華顧客」為商品進行收費,故體驗之提供與需求,將會越趨頻繁出現於日後交易,例:文化創意教育藝文產業。
    本研究以質性調查為主:深入個案訪談、專家訪談、焦點群體訪談,瞭解企業與此產業相關人士對兒童娛樂體驗產業之認知。並搭配量化問卷調查,以求得大台北地區家長對兒童娛樂體驗產業之認知。並採行體驗相關理論:Pine & Gilmore(1998)體驗經濟、Mathwick et al.(2002)四種體驗價值。並參閱各種體驗相關論文、期刊,及兒童教育遊戲教育等論述,瞭解此兒童娛樂體驗產業之脈絡,以此為研究基底內容,並設計研究架構,隨提出以下研究發現:

    2-3 兒童娛樂體驗經營團隊需具備對兒童產業之真誠信念
    3-1 兒童娛樂體驗企業提供之活動,必須形成無形之「拉力」、「推力」,連結孩子與家長之關係,使活動帶領人、家長、兒童共同參與。

    • 父母深愛孩子的心,使價值產生
    • 父母認為教育的效果產生,使價值產生
    • 父母相信孩子轉化(未來潛能)啟發,使價值產生
    • 父母喜愛觀察孩子們參與體驗活動後的轉變與成長,使價值產生

    Baby Boss City的經營建議:
    Baby Boss City的城市內部需維持其運作的法則。內部的所有供給與消費必須都以Baby Bucks來換取做媒介,避免現實生活的金錢流通
    1. 故事屋需建立獨一無二的品牌地位
    2. 故事屋需持續訓練師資及成立故事部門,維持說故事的品質與內容
    This study focus on「the Kid’s Entertainment Experience Industry」which means Kid through play to know and understand this world, through playing game kid and their parents learn from it. This expressive which kid love and parents also need .

    Kid`s entertainment industry, a part of the cultural and creative arts education industry, also the development of the industry is currently emerging, in this study the researcher try to find the currently kid marketing condition and the value of the kid’s entertainment expressive industry , and try to find the key elements of the Kid’s entertainment industry. The purpose of this studied and researched the conclusion try to find the best way to run the kid’s entertainment industry.

    In this study through qualitative survey: in-depth interviews, expert views, focus group interviews to understand the thinking of business stakeholders and kid’s relations who including: parents, teachers. And adopt theories : Pine & Gilmore (1998) The experience economy, Mathwick (2001), “Experiential Value: Conceptualization, Measurement and Application in the Catalog and Internet Shopping Environment,”The variety of experiences related essay and children`s educational games and educational discourse, to understand the context of children`s entertainment industry, as a research base content and design of architecture, with the following findings:

    The conduction following:
    Context of Kid’s entertainment business development
    1-1-1 Kid`s entertainment business in Taiwan believe that Europe and the United States experience in Kid’s entertainment business.
    1-1-2 According to Kid’s entertainment business the way following:
    Europe /America=> Taiwan=> China`s way of delivery.
    1-1-3 Entertainment experience Business for children in China follow Taiwan`s business experience in Kid’s entertainment business model.
    1-2 Kid’s entertainment industries expect their provide could let experience 『transform』which the highest value in the experience economy ,but the experience of all those who have not been really recognized.

    Kid’s entertainment industry provide experience service with experience value
    2-1 Kid’s entertainment with their professionally respective fields and system lesson plans on teaching theory or expert endorsement.
    2-2 The member of Kid’s entertainment experience company who with the "professional knowledge" and " similar parents "
    2-3 Kid’s entertainment experience management team need to have sincere belief in the child industry.
    2-4 Kid’s entertainment company conduct the interview which select the people who have passion and professional training for education background.
    2-5 Kid’s entertainment company provide "activities" which are a kind of games, let children and parents to participate and enjoy it. After the activities parents and children both want to go back there.
    2-6 Kid’s entertainment company provide the activities with the content from literary art and the material which from the children life. For example: sports, music, art, world culture, family.
    2-7-1 Kid’s entertainment company with four values: fun, aesthetic feeling, economic benefits, and services. Children experience the value obtained is: fun, aesthetic feeling. And the parents get the value of the aesthetic feeling, economic benefits, services.
    2-7-2 Kid’s entertainment experience combines four types of business: entertainment, educational, aesthetic, ecstasy experience. Most of the children entertainment company focused on entertainment, education.
    2-7-3 Kid’s entertainment experience company through parent-child interaction create the experience value.
    2-8 Kid’s entertainment company provided great atmosphere and designed environment of space and equipment let consumers feel warm and comfortable the atmosphere which can’t create by parents themselves at home.

    The traction between Kid’s entertainment business , the purchaser (parents)and users (children)
    3-1 Kid’s entertainment experience company provide the activities to create invisible "pull" and "push" link the relationship between children and parents to lead people, parents and children to participate.
    3-2 Kid’s entertainment companies need to provide a platform for parents and children, through the platform let parents and parents; children and children with each other increase the connection between them
    3-3 Kid’s entertainment business let consumers create the “emotion and suspense” that let consumers come back and re-purchase.
    3-4 Kid’s entertainment business should express their profession let consumers (parents) put their faith in them, after consumers expressive it. The parents transfer their truth to be a kind of brand loyalty
    3-5 A diagrammatic explanation the Kid’s the relations between entertainment businesses, parents and children.
    3-6 Analysis of Kid’s entertainment business value:
    • Parents love their Kid’s so that the value be create and make sense.
    • Now the parents care the education much more than before so the value generated.
    • Parents believe after that children expressive the activities will inspired children and let children have more potentiality.
    • Parents enjoy their children converted and the moment in the atmosphere and activities.
    3-7 After clarify all the value what provide Kid’s entertainment company, we can find the value for parents and children which divided into directly and indirectly.

    Kid’s entertainment business in Taiwan proposition:
    GEMBOREE managements suggestion:
    1. GEMBOREE need to increase general public awareness of the market for early education.
    2. GEMBOREE need to distinguish the activities by different price for different target customers and provide more appropriate services and experience of activities’ content
    Baby Boss City management suggestion:
    Baby Boss City must maintain its operational rule. All the internal supply and consumption must use Baby Bucks and avoid using real money.
    Story House business suggestion:
    1. Story House need to establish a unique brand position.
    2. Story House should train the teachers and create the department of story creation to maintain the quality and content of storytelling
    Musik Garten business suggestion:
    1. Musik Garten need stronger brand image which recommend itself unique courses, to avoid the same image of Taiwan tradition cram school.
    2. Musik Garten need to raise public awareness of early education.
    Soho Kid’s Art Museum management suggestion:
    1. Soho Kid’s art Museum should increase general awareness of parents and school teachers by government educational institutions.
    2. Soho Kid’s Art Museum should be more actively involved in China marketing
    Reference: 中文:

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