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    政大機構典藏 > 商學院 > 會計學系 > 學位論文 >  Item 140.119/59261
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    Title: 我國監察人內部化之決定因素及其影響
    The determinants of the internalization of supervisors and its impacts
    Authors: 鄧皓天
    Contributors: 林宛瑩
    Keywords: 內部監察人
    The internalization of supervisors
    Firm performance
    Earnings quality
    Restatement of financial reports
    Date: 2012
    Issue Date: 2013-09-02 15:29:20 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本研究針對2007年至2011年的非金融產業之上市櫃公司,分析股權結構、公司特性是否為公司內部監察人設置比率及是否設置外部監察人之影響因素,並進一步探討公司監察人內部化比率與外部監察人之存在對公司之經營績效、盈餘品質及財務報導強制重編次數的影響。
    Based on a sample of listed non-financial companies over the period of 2007 to 2011 in Taiwan, this study first investigates the impact of ownership structure and firm characteristics on the internalization of supervisors. A step further, this study examines the effect of internalization of supervisors on firm performance, earnings quality and the frequency of restatement of financial reports.
    The empirical evidence shows that firms operate in electronic industries, or belong to business groups or owned by families, or with greater shares held by insiders or with larger firm size, are significantly and positively (negatively) associated with the internalization of supervisors (the presence of outside supervisors). The study also finds that firms with higher degree of internalization of supervisors are associated with poorer performance and higher frequency of restating their financial reports. On contrary, we find that firms with at least one outside supervisor are associated with better performance and lower frequency of restating financial reports. However, this study fails to report any association between the internalization of supervisors (or the presence of outside supervisors) and earnings quality measured by accruals.
    Based on the findings, this study therefore suggests that firms should appoint outsiders to be supervisors in order to better serve the function of the institution of supervisors.
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    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G1003530161
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