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Title: | 公司治理、研發投入與企業價值-以台灣電子業為例 Corporate Governance, R&D and Corporate Value- Evidence of Electronic Firms in Taiwan |
Authors: | 林鈺真 Lin, Yu Chen |
Contributors: | 詹凌菁 Chan, Ling Ching 林鈺真 Lin, Yu Chen |
Keywords: | 單一家族主導 公司治理 創新投入 企業價值 family firms corporate governance innovation investment corporate value |
Date: | 2011 |
Issue Date: | 2013-09-02 15:28:56 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 本研究探討在單一家族主導之企業其公司治理對企業價值之影響。本文利用台灣經濟新報社(TEJ)資料庫,選取2008年至2011年期間之台灣上市上櫃電子業公司作為研究樣本。實證結果顯示,單一家族主導之電子企業,對(1)創新活動之投入而言,最終控制股東超額持股比率及管理階層持股比率越高,越有助於企業創新投入之強度;(2)企業價值而言,創新投入後,最終控制股東超額持股比率、董監事持股及管理階層之持股比率提高時,並不能提升企業價值。 This study examines the association between corporate governance, R&D investments, and corporate value in family firms. The sample comprises of listed electronic companies in Taiwan from years 2008-2011. The empirical results suggest that family firms with greater ultimate owners’ excess shareholdings and managers’ shareholdings are more intensive innovation investments. However, R&D investments do not enhance corporate value if family firms have greater ultimate owners’ excess shareholdings, directors’ and supervisors’ shareholdings, and managers’ shareholdings. |
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