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    政大機構典藏 > 商學院 > 企業管理學系 > 學位論文 >  Item 140.119/59223
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    Title: 創立服務民間自地自建者商業模式之研究
    A New Business Model for Private Construction
    Authors: 趙衛君
    Chao, Wei Chun
    Contributors: 于卓民
    Yu, Chwo Ming
    Chao, Wei Chun
    Keywords: 自地自建
    Private Construction
    Business Model
    Growth Strategy
    Financial Analysis
    Date: 2012
    Issue Date: 2013-09-02 15:15:13 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 近年來,民間屋主透過自地自建方式打造家園的比例逐漸升高,唯過程中屋主仍面臨著許多的問題。本研究之目的即希望可以針對民間自地自建之屋主提供一合適的解決方案,並進一步將其發展成一合理且可行的商業模式。本研究首先透過次級資料分析確認此一目標市場具有成長潛力且存在市場缺口,再以深度訪談方式進行消費者未被滿足需求的驗證,並據以提出解決方案。在解決方案及商業模式的設計上,則藉由文獻探討來選擇合適的工具,分別以九要素商業模式架構及商業模式圖作為建構及呈現商業模式的方法。於起步階段,是透過個案研究參考相關成功案例的作法,擬定成長策略,而中長期發展計畫,則借助策略思考工具來輔助規劃,最後透過財務分析驗證本研究商業模式之可行性。

    In recent years, people try to build up their house by themselves have become a more popular way in private construction. But there are a lot of problems have to be solved when they really try to do so. Based on it, this paper will discuss what a most suitable solution is and describe how to find it. Then a business model will be established for the solution. The research methods used in this paper were included: secondary data analysis, in-depth interview, literature review, and case study.

    Based on the findings, this paper addresses a more suitable new business model which is playing a role like an intermediary between the reseller and the multi-sided platform (MSP). In this role, the value proposition of the new business model will be delivered to both of buyers (owners of the house) and sellers (personal consultants, architects, construction firms) via matching them each other by the most suitable way. For keeping grow up in the long-term, this paper also use some strategic thinking tools to generate the growth strategies. And in the last part of this paper, this paper will verify the feasibility of the business model through the financial analysis. In addition, the author will give some suggestions for the future researches and new startup founders in this field.
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