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Title: | 開放近用: 非商業學術傳播及其政府角色分析 Open access: Non-commerical scholarly communication and government’s role |
Authors: | 劉忠博 Liu, Zhong-bo |
Contributors: | 馮建三 劉忠博 Liu, Zhong-bo |
Keywords: | Finch報告 知識公有地 開放近用 新聞學研究 期刊資料庫 學術傳播 Finch report knowledge commons open access mass communication research journal database scholarly communication |
Date: | 2012 |
Issue Date: | 2013-09-02 15:08:30 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 上世紀90年代末至今,無論東西學界,都出現了力倡學術知識應該開放近用的聲音。這些觀點,無不認為學術知識乃受公共經費挹注,因此開放給世人實乃為所當為之事。不過,它們卻忽略了掌握公共經費的政府之角色。簡言之,政府雖是投注與分配公共經費的行動者,但這不必然與知識的開放近用劃上等號。社會的發展並非不證自明,政府的所作所為也定當係出有因,本文關注的焦點,即是政府在思索知識開放近用的議題時,所考量的因素為何,並批判性地反省這些考量是否合理,藉以提供吾人推動知識開放近用的依據。 本文採以知識公有地的分析方法,分析英國與台灣政府的決策考量。分析後發現,這兩者思考開放近用的議題時,關注的焦點全然不同:前者雖敦促知識的開放近用,但考量的原因係與中小企業的發展有關;後者則是為了數位出版產業發展,而輕忽知識能帶來社會整體的進步,著實得不償失。基於以上考量,我們建議,學術知識的傳播,理應朝向開放近用模式發展,方法是政府務須打造開放近用期刊與完善的公共電子典藏庫,如此知識資源的使用才能發揮極大效益,而整個社會也才得以共享開放知識所帶來的正外部性。 There are many scholars, whether from eastern or western in the world, who suggest academic knowledge should be open access and fuel open access movement since the end of last century. The reason of open access is that academic knowledge is funded by public institutions (or by governments), so ideally people can access that knowledge without any restriction. However, governments are not necessary to open that knowledge, although they have power to allocate public fundings.To put it simpely, those scholars who support open access overlook government’s role in the process of scholarly communication, so we should think about it’s role seriously rather than regard it as neutral actor. In other words, what governments do, and whether they do it or not, in relation to open access should be put it under critical reflection. In this dissertation, we adapt knowledge commons as the main theoretical framework to analysis what UK and Taiwan government’s policy decision when they think about scholar communication, whether they put open access into account or not. The results show that UK government decide to open all public-funding research articles to all people, because it find that those funding articles are beneficial to the whole UK society, especially for developing small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), while Taiwan government would rather regard public-funding research articles as resources for developing digital publishing industries than open to the whole society which can be beneficial to everyone.Based on those results, we suggest that academic knowledge should be opened to all people; that is, open access is the ideal model of scholarly communication, and what government should do is constructing useful conditions for developing open access model, open access journals and public repositories, which knowledge can be utilized as far as possible. |
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