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    政大機構典藏 > 傳播學院 > 新聞學系 > 學位論文 >  Item 140.119/59201
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    Title: 行禮如儀─探討Facebook互動儀式鏈與互動策略
    Go Through the Motions: “Like” as Social Strategy in Interaction Ritual Chain on Facebook
    Authors: 黃淑琳
    Huang, Shu Lin
    Contributors: 陳百齡
    Huang, Shu Lin
    Keywords: 互動儀式鏈
    Interaction Ritual Chain
    Interaction Strategy
    Date: 2012
    Issue Date: 2013-09-02 15:07:35 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 社交網站Facebook鼓勵使用者將真實世界中的人際關係串連至線上空間,與各種親疏遠近的朋友進行互動與維持情感交流。隨著社交規模與範圍的擴大,Facebook使用者需要透過規格化或公式化的互動,確保人際網絡的穩定交流。這些行為經過反覆實踐,發展為社交互動儀式。然而,互動行為本身卻與社交初衷逐漸背離。因此,本研究關注的正是Facebook上的互動儀式鏈如何呈現,以及使用者社交行為與意義之間產生落差,導致「行禮如儀」的原因。



    Social network sites, such as Facebook, enable users to interact with friends and maintain their relationship. The growing scope and scale of social network require users to cope with huge numbers of friends in formulated and standardized ways. These formulated actions practiced repeatedly on Facebook have become ritualized and thus shape the particular cultural landscape. However, these interaction actions gradually become alienated from original social intents. Facebook users tend to push “Like” bottom whenever they read friends’ news updates, but they just go through the motion without any meaning.

    This particular research applies sociologist Goffman’s interaction ritual theory and Collin’s interaction ritual chain theory to the context of Facebook behavior. The researcher attempts to answer 2 questions: 1. What a complete social interaction ritual chain would be like on Facebook? And what are its ritual ingredients and outcomes? 2. Does social interaction behavior mismatch its social intent? If the gap exists, why does it happen? This research collects data from researcher’s 750 friends’ information in time frame from March 2013 to April 2013. Four Facebook events are chosen as critical cases. Content analysis and deep interview are employed to discover the ingredients, process and outcomes of interaction ritual chains and every detail on Facebook.

    The result indicates it’s highly possible that every social information event would develop a complete interaction ritual chain. But the difference of event characters may have impacts on people’s forms of participation. Secondly, Facebook users often depreciate the meaning of “Like”, however “Like” turns out to show multiple meanings. Whenever Facebook users’ physical action couldn’t match attempts, “Like” would serve as the buffer solving the inconsistency. Finally, pushing “Like” bottom becomes “formulated but with multiple meanings”, and it also becomes exclusive action symbol of Facebook generation.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0100451011
    Data Type: thesis
    Appears in Collections:[新聞學系] 學位論文

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