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Title: | 媒介使用、身體形象與醫學美容使用意圖 The relationship among media use, body image and intention to undergo cosmetic enhancement. |
Authors: | 黃信璁 |
Contributors: | 陳憶寧 黃信璁 |
Keywords: | 女性 社會比較理論 計畫行為理論 媒介使用 醫學美容 female social comparison theory theory of planned behavior media use cosmetic enhancement |
Date: | 2012 |
Issue Date: | 2013-09-02 15:07:01 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 隨著科技的進步,醫療不再只是救命治病的技術,同時也逐漸成為解決生活困擾的工具,開始處理諸如口臭、肥胖、落髮、甚至性功能障礙等與健康並不直接相關的問題,因此有學者將這種新興的醫療類型稱為「生活型態醫療(lifestyle medicine; Gilbert et al., 2000;許甘霖,2010)」。本研究選擇以醫學美容作為生活型態醫療的主題,嘗試以社會比較理論的觀點回答媒介使用對於身體形象、醫美態度的影響;再借用計畫行為理論的架構,探討除了態度對於醫美意圖的直接影響外,行為人感受到的主觀規範、社會壓力與相關的資源限制及能力等因素對醫美意圖的預測力。
由研究結果本研究的建議有二:第一,過往研究對於媒介暴露對女性身體形象負面影響的既定看法還需要更多的討論,不可忽視女性自身的能動性;第二,對於生活型態醫療的相關研究,計畫行為理論中的規範與知覺行為控制構面提供了一個相當合適的研究方向。 With the technology advances, medicine is not only a technic of curing illness and saving patients, but a tool to solve the problems in daily life, such as halitosis, fatness, baldness, and even sexual dysfunction, which are not really “health problems”. These kinds of medical applications are called “lifestyle medicine” (Gilbert et al., 2000; Hsu, 2010). This study took cosmetic surgery as an example of lifestyle medicine, and used social comparison theory, in the beginning, to explore the relationship among the media use, body images and attitudes toward cosmetic enhancement. Then I formed the research structure by utilizing the model of theory of planned behavior (TPB), and predicted the intention to undergo cosmetic enhancement by the three dimensions of TPB — attitudes, norms and perceived behavior control.
To avoid sex difference in the motivations of cosmetic enhancement (Lee, 2009), male was excluded from the survey. Finally, 504 valid samples were collected from two ways, one via the Internet, the other by the questionnaire distributed in the campus.
There were two main outcome of this research. First, the regression analysis proved the relationship among media use, body images, and attitudes about cosmetic enhancement. The media effects upon body images were complicated and multidirectional. Some media usage enhanced body images, but others had opposite function. Moreover, Body image increased the attitude about cosmetic enhancement, and besides, media internalization and media literacy would intervene in the relation among these variables simultaneously. Second, the regression evidence the TPB predicted intention to undergo cosmetic enhancement successfully. Hierarchical regression showed that attitudes, norms, perceived behavior control and past behavior could totally explain 36.2% of intention.
Basing on these finding of the study, I concluded with two suggestions. First, though many studies advocated that media usage dissatisfying women’s body images, this study suggested media effects on body image should be multidirectional. The finding of this study implied women’s agency is more than other studies had presented. Second, the TPB conveyed that norms and perceived behavior control are appropriate variables to forecast intention of lifestyle medicine in health communication field. |
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