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Title: | 道德或金錢?捷克與中國之研究 Morals or Money? Study of the Relations between the Czech Republic and the People`s Republic of China |
Authors: | 俞素言 |
Contributors: | 姜家雄 俞素言 |
Keywords: | 捷克 中國 Czech Republic People`s Republic of China |
Date: | 2012 |
Issue Date: | 2013-07-23 14:02:15 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 捷克共和國(以下簡稱捷克)與中華人民共和國(以下簡稱中國)之間的外交與經濟關係有著悠久的傳統和深層的複雜性。1989年捷克與中國首次有獨立政策。到目前為止,Václav Havel與Václav Klaus 兩個總統都有機會影響中捷的關係。如何獲取中國的青睞並在神話般的中國市場佔有一席之地, 他們所用的方法基本上是不同的。 Havel總統在行使他的外交政策時,從來沒有停止強調人權與其他敏感的話題。相反地,他繼任者Klaus總統採取更務實的方法去安撫中以減少貿易迷差以及幫助捷克出國到中國。 此論文的主要重點是在探討兩種不同的方法如何影響捷克在中國企業的經濟成功以及中捷之間的綜合關係。此論文也會觸及中捷之間外交與經濟兩方面的交互影響,期望舆誤解。 The diplomatic and economic relations between the Czech Republic (CZ) and the People`s Republic of China (PRC) have a long tradition and a deep level of complexity. In 1989, the CZ had the first chance to conduct its independent foreign policy towards the PRC. So far, two presidents, Václav Havel and Václav Klaus, had the opportunity to influence the relations between the CZ and the PRC. Their approaches of how to gain the PRC`s favor and cut off its share of the mythical Chinese market were fundamentally different. The first president Havel in his conduct of foreign policy never ceased to stress human rights and other sensitive topics. In contrast, his successor Vávlav Klaus chose a more pragmatic approach of appeasing the PRC in order to decrease the trade deficit and help Czech export in the PRC. How these two different approaches influenced the economic success of Czech firms in the PRC and the relations generally, will be the main focus of my thesis. Questions of the relations between the economic and diplomatic sphere as well as features and misconceptions regarding the relations will be addressed as well. |
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