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    Title: 國民小學教育空間品質評鑑指標建構之研究
    A Study of the Constructing the Evaluation Indicators for Quality of Educational Space in Elementary Schools
    Authors: 吳珮青
    Wu, Pei Ching
    Contributors: 湯志民
    Tang,Chih Min
    Wu, Pei Ching
    Keywords: 教育空間
    educational space
    the quality of educational spaces
    the evaluation indicators for quality of educational space
    fuzzy Delphi method
    Date: 2012
    Issue Date: 2013-07-23 14:01:03 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本研究旨在建構國民小學教育空間品質評鑑指標。研究方法部分,先以文獻分析歸納出國民小學教育空間品質評鑑之初擬指標,再以專家問卷以及模糊德菲術問卷進行調查。模糊德菲術調查樣本為22位對國民小學的校園規劃、空間環境相當了解的校長、學者及教育行政機關主管為對象,透過三角模糊數整合專家對指標重要性之看法並篩選指標項目,最後以歸一化之方式求得各構面以及各項指標權重,完成國民小學教育空間品質評鑑指標體系。根據研究之結果與分析,歸納主要結論如下:
    The purpose of this study is to construct the evaluation indicators for quality of educational space in elementary schools. As for research methods, by means of literature review, and then 35 indicators within 6 main dimensions had been organized as a raw model of quality of educational space in elementary schools indicators based on which the Fuzzy Delphi questionnaire was developed and the survey was conducted with the sample size of 22 experts. Symmetric triangular fuzzy number then was used to analyze experts’ opinion on the importance of each indicator and to help indicator selection. At last stage, normalization of fuzzy number’s total score determined the weight of each dimensions and indicators; accordingly, the quality of educational space in elementary schools indicator system was constructed. The main conclusions are as follows:
    1. The quality of educational space in elementary schools indicator system consists with 6 dimensions and 35 indicators in total.
    2. The 6 dimensions are:safety and security(18.41%), comfort and health(17.51%), characteristics and aesthetic(16.59%), energy efficiency and sustainability(16.40%), adequate and flexible(16.28%),social and leisure(14.80%).
    3. The second layer indactors for the quality of educational space in elementarty school are : in “safety and security”, should be the building seismic disaster, asylum space and the route planning, and monitoring of management and protection of the campus corner ; in the “comfort and health”, with special attention to the campus environment clean and tidy, and the classroom should have good illumination and ventilation; in the “characteristics and aesthetic” context, special attention should be full of educational space education through environmental education context, the aesthetic , as well as important to show school spirit; in “energy efficiency and sustainability”, and the particular importance of education to maintain the ecological diversity and space saving and carbon reduction planning and design; in “adequate and flexible” in regard, special attention to students with special needs, and there is enough variety of teaching and activities and multi-purpose use of space; in “social and leisure” aspects, special attention should be student interaction, teacher-student dialogue and resource sharing with the community space.
    According to the conclusions, some suggestions had been proposed : 1..suggestions for education administrators,2.suggestions for schools, and 3.suggestions for further study.
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