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Title: | 行動化行政服務:臺北市里幹事應用智慧型手機之研究 Mobile Administrative Services: Smartphone Usage of Taipei City Neighborhood Secretary |
Authors: | 蔡怡軒 |
Contributors: | 蕭乃沂 蔡怡軒 |
Keywords: | 臺北市里幹事 智慧型手機 計畫行為理論 Taipei City Neighborhood Secretary Smartphone Theory of Planned Behavior |
Date: | 2012 |
Issue Date: | 2013-07-23 13:57:51 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 隨著智慧型手機的普及與行動網路技術的發展,部分臺北市里幹事在公務處理上開始使用智慧型手機取代PDA,由於智慧型手機為日後公務行動化不可或缺之工具,因此本研究除了解裝置使用型態外,也探究影響里幹事選用該裝置的關鍵因素,最後,調查後續可應用該裝置可開發之行動化應用軟體來促使工作更加順遂。 論文中採計畫行為理論,透過文獻探討、深度訪談和問卷調查的方式來蒐集資料,利用統計技術及訪談所得資訊來驗證本研究之假說,分析結果如下: 一、在裝置使用型態與功能方面,使用比例最高前五項分別為「撥打及接聽電話」、「照相」、「市容查報」、「傳送文字訊息」及「防災通報」,且智慧型手機之各項功能使用頻率幾乎皆高於PDA。 二、在研究假設驗證方面: (一)里幹事對於使用智慧型手機的「態度」愈正向,則對於使用智慧型手機的「意圖」就愈高。 (二)里幹事對於使用智慧型手機的「主觀規範」愈正向,則對於使用智慧型手機的「意圖」就愈高。 (三)里幹事對於使用智慧型手機的「知覺行為控制」愈正向,則對於使用智慧型手機的「意圖」就愈高。 (四)里幹事對於使用智慧型手機的「知覺行為控制」愈高,則對於使用智慧型手機的「行為」就愈高。 (五)里幹事對於使用智慧型手機的「實際行為控制」愈高,則對於使用智慧型手機的「知覺行為控制」就愈高。 (六)里幹事對於使用智慧型手機的「實際行為控制」對於使用智慧型手機的「行為」沒有顯著影響。 (七)里幹事對於使用智慧型手機的「意圖」愈高,則對於使用智慧型手機的「行為」就愈高。 三、在行動化應用軟體開發建議方面,里幹事最希望開發的前三項功能為「建立公務用雲端資料庫,讓工作上需要用到的表單、文件、相片等,不管何時何地,都可以隨時取用,也方便管理。」、「跨行政區里幹事群組通訊錄,可隨時傳遞訊息、照片及檔案等,節省通訊錄查詢、自行輸入和維護的困擾。」、「與同事分享工作行事曆,即時掌握工作行程。」 根據以上研究發現,本研究提出以下建議: 一、重新檢視智慧型手機應用範疇並建立使用機制,避免組織的僵化與硬化。 二、以更彈性化的方案並尊重里幹事選擇的意願來促使智慧型手機的使用更加普及。 三、善用里幹事了解民意需求之特性,以其豐富的實務經驗,再配合智慧型手機使用之普及,藉由適切的系統功能開發,將有助於業務推展與創新。 四、智慧型手機的功能與特性協助里幹事公務之達成,而改善里幹事對於智慧型手機的使用感受,最有助於提升其使用意願,進而提升使用頻率,亦可達成公務資源最有效利用之目標。 五、建立更週全獎勵措施,突顯有效激勵誘因,增進工作滿足感,確立有效能的服務及管理運作模式。 According to the popularity of smartphone and the development of mobile internet technology, some neighborhood secretaries (the “users”) began using smartphone (the “device”) instead of PDA in public service handling. With respect to the fact that the device with mobile technology will become indispensable tool for public affairs, we not only studied the users’ behavior of using the device, but also explored the key factors that influenced the users when picking their device. Finally, it’s possible to procure work better by the development of application software for the device in the future. In this paper, we adopted Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB), and obtained research data via literature discussion, due diligence interviews and questionnaires and then verified hypothesis by using both statistical techniques and information from the interviews. The results are as follows: 1st, in the aspect of users’ behaviors regarding functions that the device provides, the highest proportion of top five were "making and receiving calls", "taking photos", "inspecting cityscape", "sending text messages" and "reporting disasters". The frequency of the device usage in each smartphone function was higher than that of PDA. 2nd, the implication of research hypothesis verification: (1) The more positive the users’ “Attitude” toward the device usage, the higher their “Intention” to use the device. (2) The more positive the “Subjective Norm” toward the device usage, the higher the users’ “Intention” to use the device. (3) The more positive the users’ “Perceived behavioral control” toward the device usage, the higher their “Intention” to use the device. (4) The more positive the users’ “Perceived behavioral control” toward the device usage, the more their usage “Activity”. (5) The more positive the users’ “Actual behavior control” toward the device usage, the higher their “Perceived behavioral control”. (6) The users’“Actual behavior control” has no significant effect on their usage “Activity”. (7) The more positive the users’ “Intention” toward the device usage, the higher their usage “Activity”. 3rd. In the aspect of development proposal of mobile application software, the top three functions that the users wanted the most were “Official cloud storage accessible from anywhere with access to forms, documents, photographs, and files as needed”, “The address book of the users’ group of various administrative district which enables the users to send messages, photographs and files etc. to their fellow officers in order to save precious time on searching phone numbers and other information.”, and ”Synchronization of colleagues’ working calendars in order to manage the users’ schedule on a timely basis.” According to the above findings of this research, we can make the suggestions as follows: (1) Reviewing the application scope of the device and establishing the mechanism of using the device in order to prevent inflexibility of organization. (2) Adopting approaches which can better accommodate the different user’s preference for various device brands and models for the general acceptance and use. (3) Facilitating public service handling and innovation through development of appropriate device functions by utilizing the users’ understanding of opinions of the general public, their on-site experiences, and the generalization of the device usage. (4) Optimizing functions and features of the device which can assist the users to accomplish their duties, improve their users’ experience, increase their usage frequencies, and achieve the ultimate goal of resource efficiency. (5) Establishing an incentive plan which is more comprehensive and encouraging to increase job satisfaction and ensure effective mode of public service and management. |
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