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    Title: 台灣電視新聞綜藝化現象對大學生評估電視新聞公信力之影響
    The Infotainment Tendencies in Packaging TV News in Taiwan: The Effect on College Audience’s Evaluation of TV News Credibility
    Authors: 魏介珩
    Contributors: 黃葳威
    Keywords: 電視新聞綜藝化
    TV news
    news credibility evaluation
    news packaging
    hard news
    soft news
    Date: 2012
    Issue Date: 2013-07-23 13:30:25 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 全球的電視新聞文化現今都已偏好聳動的主題及令人目眩神移、訴諸感官刺激的綜藝化製作方式。台灣的電視新聞綜藝化自壹週刊、蘋果日報在台出刊後更加明顯氾濫,這種辛辣聳動的刊物成為各家電視新聞台的重要新聞來源。此外,過多的24小時新聞台為了搶收視率亦在視聽覺吸引及口語報導方式上無所不用其極的“吸睛”。值得一探的是,觀眾對於這種綜藝化播報方式的觀感究竟如何,而此種播報方式對於其電視新聞可信度又是否會有影響。
    The phenomenon of infotainment tendency in TV news broadcasting has been rising globally. Taiwan is no exception since last decade, especially a turning point that Apple Daily first published in Taiwan. This sensationalism- oriented publication has become an essential reference for TV news producers and resulted in a revolution of TV news in Taiwan, which from content to format presentation have become relatively infotainment- oriented. The excessive 24-hour news channels is another cause of the infotainment phenomenon in Taiwan, which results in a vicious viewing rate competition. In order to draw audience’s attention, each channel tries hard to be “eye- catching” to please audience instead of providing substantive information.
    This study investigated the effect of the current prosperous infotainment tendencies in news broadcasting in Taiwan on college audience’s evaluation and perception of TV news credibility through different variables. In addition to demographic investigation, this study also conducted research on the correlation between audience’s media literacy level, media use habit and TV news credibility evaluation. It is found that respondents with more media understanding are more sensitive and critical to the infotainment issue in TV news. Moreover, the results showed that the infotainment applications used in hard news generally lead to lower TV news credibility than used in soft news. The findings of this study contribute reference to the news discipline for TV news producers in Taiwan.
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