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    Title: 以程序式動畫實現3D瑜珈運動教學系統
    Realizing a 3D Yoga Tutoring System with Procedural Animation
    Authors: 蔡函娟
    Contributors: 李蔡彥
    Keywords: 電腦動畫
    Computer animation
    Procedural animation
    Tutoring system
    Date: 2012
    Issue Date: 2013-07-23 13:20:24 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 瑜珈是近年來風行的運動,而數位學習則是近年來的學習趨勢。然目前以數位學習方式學習瑜珈,多只能以文字、圖片、及影像呈現教學內容。本研究希望能以電腦動畫技術,結合瑜珈運動知識,提出一個創新的瑜珈學習方式。我們使用程序式動畫做為人物運動的產生方法,並加入腳本和階層式的參數設計概念,讓使用者可以根據自我的學習需求和不同的體能條件輸入適合的模型和動作腳本,達到客製化教學呈現的目的。我們將動作程序模組化,不同的瑜珈動作之間可共用程序,使程序達到好的重用性,動作庫的擴充也會更容易。我們邀請使用者來操作本系統,體驗在不同參數變化和角色設定下所產生的動畫效果,同時也以評估系統各方面的使用觀感,並和教學影帶做比較。實驗結果顯示使用者對本系統比教學錄影帶有更好的接受度。
    In recent years, Yoga is becoming a popular sport while e-learning is also becoming a trend in education and training. However, the way that we learn Yoga with e-learning mostly is through text, picture and video. In this research, we aim at incorporating 3D animation technologies with Yoga domain knowledge by proposing an innovation Yoga e-learning system. We use the approach of procedural animation to generate character motions with the help of XML script and hierarchical parameter design. The resulting animations can be customized for different characters with various physical conditions. Learners can select suitable and tailored character models and motion scripts for them to learn Yoga by themselves. We have tried to design the system by breaking a function into fundamental modules that can be reused in different cases. This design aims at increasing the reusability and extensibility of the proposed animation system. In these reusable procedures, we have made use of the Inverse Kinematics and a lookup table to generate natural 3D animations for articulated figures. In addition, we have implemented a specialized e-learning system based on 3D character animation that can generate customized motions and postures at run-time. We have implemented our tutoring system and designed experiments to study the issues of user interface, customized figures and effectiveness by comparing it with training video. The experimental results show that our system is well accepted by the participants for Yoga learning, and has higher scores than watching video.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0099971017
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    Appears in Collections:[Department of Computer Science ] Theses

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