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Title: | 故事衝突的程度對於品牌態度與信任的影響-產品種類的干擾效果 The Impact of Brand Story-Conflict on Brand Attitude and Trust: The Moderating Effects of Product Type |
Authors: | 王之佑 Wang, Chih Yu |
Contributors: | 邱志聖 Chiou, Jyh Shen 王之佑 Wang, Chih Yu |
Keywords: | 故事元素 故事衝突 產品衝突 產品種類 相信品 搜尋品 Elements of story Conflict of story Product type Credence goods Search goods |
Date: | 2011 |
Issue Date: | 2013-07-22 10:11:41 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 故事能夠深入人心,為因應數位行動平台的蓬勃發展,廠商將自家品牌產品的故事應用在微電影、微小說…等新式廣告手法在近年來競相而出,「故事行銷」儼然成為品牌商在行銷應用上的新寵。另一方面,品牌產品依據屬性的不同可大致分為三個種類:搜尋品、經驗品與相信品。消費者在不同種類產品上因為能力與動機的不同,在產品上投入的成本亦不盡相同,故事行銷在不同種類的品牌產品應用上是否能夠一概而論?實屬本研究所探討的一大重點。 本研究旨在分析如何能夠有效將故事行銷應用在不同種類的品牌產品上。在進入研究主題前,本研究整理了過去文獻,並將故事一般化地拆解成四大元素:訊息(Message)、衝突(Conflict)、故事角色(Characters)與故事劇情(Plot)。接著,在限制其他因素不變之下,操弄衝突這項故事元素,並以相信品、搜尋品為例,探測不同衝突大小的品牌故事對於不同種類的產品是否存具有不同的適用性。 本研究採2(故事衝突程度:大、小) ╳ 2(產品種類:相信品、搜尋品)的二因子實驗,加上兩組不同產品種類的無故事版本控制組,共分6組。 本研究發現,品牌故事的植入對於品牌產品是有幫助的,且衝突程度不同的品牌故事對於不同種類的產品存在著適用上的差異性。 在相信品的應用上,消費者對於品牌產品的整體信任感可藉由衝突程度較大的品牌故事來提升;在搜尋品的應用上,衝突程度較大的品牌故事對於品牌產品的整體喜好、整體觀感以及整體信任感皆有負向的影響。 整體來看,相信品較適用於衝突程度較大的品牌故事;搜尋品的故事衝突程度則不宜過大。
關鍵字:故事元素、故事衝突、產品種類、相信品、搜尋品 Storytelling is a powerful tool for marketing, with the explosive growth of social media and content marketing, more and more companies have begun to paint a picture of their culture and values toward their target customers through storytelling. According to the literature, there are four elements that make up the core basis of storytelling: Message, Conflict, Characters and Plot. These elements can be mixed, matched and applied in variety of ways depending on the context in which the story is told, and company’s purpose. This article focus on manipulating one of these elements: Conflict, using 2 ╳ 2 factorial design to test if there are statistical significance between different degrees of conflicts(high level, low level) and different types of products (search goods, credence goods), on the other hand, this article also set contral groups which without brand story to see if storytelling really makes the difference to customer behavior or not. From what has been discussed, this article finds out that storytelling is significantly good for branding; the result of this article also tells about that the higher level of brand story-conflict creates higher level of the overall trust between brand product and customers on credence goods; on the other hand, the higher level of brand story-conflict decreases the overall trust, preference and perception between brand product and consumers on search goods.
Key words: Elements of story, Conflict of story, Product type, Credence goods, Search goods |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 國際經營與貿易研究所 99351024 100 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0993510241 |
Data Type: | thesis |
Appears in Collections: | [國際經營與貿易學系 ] 學位論文
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