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Title: | 手機晶片業者技術佈局之研究 Technology Roadmaps of Chipset Vendors-A Comparison of Five Companies |
Authors: | 葉治廷 Yeh, Chih Ting |
Contributors: | 于卓民 葉治廷 Yeh, Chih Ting |
Keywords: | 手機晶片 IC設計業者 關鍵成功因素 mobile chipsets IC design industry critical success factors |
Date: | 2012 |
Issue Date: | 2013-07-22 10:04:18 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 隨著智慧型手機市場的高度成長、前景可觀,眾多廠商正在競食手機相關的電子零組件供應市場。其中競爭最為激烈一塊為處理器晶片以及基頻通訊晶片,近年來主要供應商之間的市佔率變化更是變動快速。本研究觀察手機晶片組市場的領先廠商,除了少數廠商原先即為通訊領域的晶片設計商,其他廠商則來自PC電腦、多媒體晶片等領域,這引起研究者的關注。對於企業在市場快速變動、技術發展不斷演進的環境下,如何根據其自身的發展背景、市場地位以及所擁有的資源來策略佈局,強化其在產業中的競爭優勢。尤其是當企業在市場競爭地位領先時如何有效的佈局;以及企業在跨領域經營時如何增加在新市場的存活率甚至成為市場中的領導廠商。
研究結果顯示,市場領導廠商可以透過專利屏障、以訴訟壓制競爭者、有效防禦價格策略、建立專屬資產以及提高產品附加價值等方式,來持續維持在產業中的競爭優勢。亦發現企業跨領域佈局時應從開拓被忽略的客戶、創新服務流程、選擇對的客戶、切入市場之時機、核心能力之延伸及策略性購併等面向著手才能成功在新市場站穩,同時強化在新市場的競爭優勢。 Recently global smartphone market has experienced high growth rates. Many manufacturers, components as well as finished product assemblers, are competing in the markets. The most competitive markets are processor chipsets and baseband chipsets. In recent years, the competitive positions of major vendors have been rapidly changed. We observed that only few vendors can always be successful in this field. Most leadering companies came from other areas, like PC industries and multimedia chipsets. This research investigates how firms have developed their strategies in light of their backgrounds, market positions, and resources when demands and technology developments are rapidly changed. This research is particularly interested in how leadering companies strengthen their competitive abilities and, when firms penetrate into in a new market, how they can survive in the new market and even become maket leaders.
In this thesis, the researcher uses three factors (i.e., market changes, technology developments and major firms’strategys) to analyze mobile chipsets industry. The results show that market leaders can maintain competitive advantage by leveraging patents as entry barriers, legating to put pressure on competitors, taking aggressive pricing strategies to attack new entries, developing firm-specific assets and creating values to clients by new product and services. In addition, the research finds that firms can successfully build their competitive positions in new markets by finding customers who had be ignored, innovating service processes, selecting effective customers, selecting the timing to enter the market, extending core competence and engaging in strategic acquisitions. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 企業管理研究所 100355002 101 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0100355002 |
Data Type: | thesis |
Appears in Collections: | [企業管理學系] 學位論文
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