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    题名: 校長賦權行為對教師工作滿意度影響之研究-以教師心理氣候為中介變項
    The Study of the Influences of Principal Empowering Behavior on Teacher Job Satisfaction:Teacher Psychological Climate as a Mediator Abstract
    作者: 傅安生
    Fu, An Sheng
    贡献者: 吳政達
    Fu, An Sheng
    关键词: 校長賦權行為
    Principal Empowering Behaivor
    Teacher Psychological Climate
    Teacher Job Satisfaction
    日期: 2012
    上传时间: 2013-07-11 18:23:00 (UTC+8)
    摘要: 本研究旨在探討我國國民中學校長賦權行為、教師工作滿意度、教師心理氣候之實際情形,並瞭解校長賦權行為對教師工作滿意度的影響以及研究教師心理氣候是否具有中介效果。
    This study aims to investigate the current situation of the juniorhigh school principal empowering behavior, teacher job satisfaction, and teacher psychological climate in Taiwan, and to discuss the influence of Principal Empowering Behavior on teacher job satisfaction and to test whether teacher psychological climate is a significant mediator or not.
    The research process combines literature review and questionnaire method. Totally 296 questionnaires were distributed to schools, and 224 are valid, which the amount of usefulness is 100%. The data is analyzed through the statistics method of factor analysis, reliability analysis, descriptive statistics, t-test, one-way ANOVA, Pearson product moment correlation coefficient, multiple stepwise regression analysis and stepwise hierarchical regression analysis.
    The findings are as follows:
    1. Teachers in New Taipei City public schools show median level of perception in principal empowering behavior while “responsibility” is the highest, and “innovative efficiency” is the lowest.
    2. Teachers in New Taipei City public schools show median level of perception in teacher job satisfaction while “colleague relationship” is the highest, and “principal leadership” is the lowest.
    3. Teachers in New Taipei City public schools show median level of perception in teacher psychological climate while “supportive management” is the highest, and "recognition” is the lowest.
    4. Teachers in New Taipei City public schools with different backgrounds show different opinions in principal empowering behavior, teacher job satisfaction, and teacher sychological climate.
    5. The relations among principal empowering behavior, teacher job satisfaction, and teacher psychological climate of teachers in New Taipei City public schools are significant.
    6. Principal empowering behavior and teacher psychological climate show significant predictability to teacher job satisfaction while “self determination” is the highest.
    7. Teacher psychological climate functions as a significant mediator for principal empowering behavior on teacher job satisfaction.
    Finally, according to the findings mentioned above, the research provided suggestions for education administrative organizations, junior high school principals and teachers, and future researches.
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