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    Title: 主管部屬關係認同理論邏輯關係網絡之驗證
    Validation of the nomological network of supervisor-subordinate relational identification
    Authors: 顏上雲
    Contributors: 胡昌亞
    Keywords: 主管部屬關係
    supervisor-subordinate relationship
    role-based identity
    person-based identity
    relational identification
    relational disidentification
    ambivalent relational identification
    Date: 2012
    Issue Date: 2013-07-11 17:49:53 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 人際互動是組織運作的基礎,但有關人際層次的認同研究過去時常被忽略,Sluss與Ashforth(2007)即提出一關係認同的理論架構試圖解釋關係認同如何形成。然而,此關係認同架構僅為一理論性的論述,過去尚未有研究針對其中的角色認定與個人認定構念發展量表,測量三類關係認同的工具也有所缺乏,其理論架構尚待檢驗。據此,本研究的目的為根據Sluss與Ashforth(2007)提出之關係認同理論,以主管部屬關係出發,驗證此理論的邏輯關係網絡(nomological network)。本研究主要分兩部份進行,第一部份參考Hinkin(1998)建議的量表編製步驟,撰寫部屬對主管之角色認定、個人認定評價,以及三類關係認同題項並進行此量表的信效度檢驗與修正;第二部份則檢驗部屬對主管的角色認定與個人認定之正、負向評價結果,和其與關係認同、關係不認同以及關係矛盾認同之間的關聯;此外,亦檢驗此三類關係認同與結果變項之間的關係。在樣本部分,本研究請205位台灣醫療院所的基層護理人員針對自身與護理長之間的主管部屬關係進行評估,分析結果指出Sluss與Ashforth(2007)的關係認同理論可以獲得初步驗證。本研究的貢獻除了在於補足對角色認定、個人認定,以及三類關係認同構念的測量,並且對Sluss與Ashforth(2007)的關係認同理論的邏輯關係網絡證據進行檢驗,使我們對於關係認同的形成有更多理解。
    Interpersonal interaction is the foundation of organization operations, but the study of identification in interpersonal level has often been ignored. Sluss and Ashforth (2007) proposed the relational identification framework to explain how the relational identification forms. However, this framework is still in conceptual debate, and no researcher has developed the scale for measuring the role-based identity and person-based identity construct yet. Moreover, the scale of three types of relational identification, the relational identification, relational disidentification, and ambivalent relational identification, are also not well-developed. Therefore, the purpose of this study is focus on supervisor-subordinate relationship, and validate the nomological network of Sluss and Ashforth’s relational identification theory. First, based on the suggestion of Hinkin (1998), this study generated items to measure the valence of role-based and person-based identity, and three types of relational identification. Second, after testing the reliability and validity of these scales, this study tested the connection between subordinates’ positive/negative valence of role-based and person-based identity, and the three types of relational identification outcome. Furthermore, this study examines the relationships between three types of relational identification and criterion variables. Current study samples 205 registered first-line nurses from hospitals in Taiwan and asks them to evaluate their supervisor-subordinate relationship with head nurses. The result shows that there are some initial validation evidences for the relational identification framework. The contributions and limitations of this study, and the suggestions for future relational identification research are discussed.
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