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    Title: 企業擴張模式之研究──以驗證服務公司為例
    Authors: 余維斌
    Contributors: 于卓民
    Keywords: 驗證服務
    Date: 2012
    Issue Date: 2013-07-11 17:05:18 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 台灣經濟過往以製造業為重,然而近年在基本工資逐年提高、環境保護的意識抬頭與國際競爭造成製造毛利下滑的現況下,產業轉型的壓力日漸高漲。服務業是政府近年極力推動的產業,研發服務為其中一項,雖然吾人皆知研發活動為創新之根源並可成為產業升級之動能,然而從整體GDP觀之,近十年來歷年研發服務業僅占約2~3%,若能提高將是產業轉型的關鍵指標之一。「驗證服務」屬於研發服務業的範疇內,對台灣經濟相當重要的影響,除因在地企業的產品多為出口導向,產品驗證為必經之流程。再者,企業將設計驗證委外給專業的且有效率的驗證服務公司後,可把資源集中在研發活動進而縮短商品化時程、提升附加價值。驗證服務公司在台灣屬冷門的行業,一般大眾對該領域較為陌生,本研究針對具代表的驗證服務公司做深入瞭解,以揭露研發服務業之成功典範。
    本研究採用個案研究法,藉由所蒐集之個案相關資料加以分類、分析、整理與彙整,探討個案公司的企業擴張模式與發展過程的關鍵影響因素。在擴張模式與影響模式的因素方面,本研究發現(1)個案公司的企業擴張模式可歸納為Ansoff (1990)提出的「安索夫矩陣」模型;(2)影響個案公司擴張模式的因素包含外在環境、公司能力與資源、發展方向;(3)外在環境包括客戶的需求與切入機會、客戶自身業績的消長、驗證技術的發展、法規公告的時間點、競爭對手之強弱;(4)公司能力與資源包括人才的培育、技術的研發能力、管理制度的成熟度、客戶需求的掌握度、既有的客戶關係;(5)發展方向包括技術服務項目的發展、佈局大陸、跨入代工市場。
    Taiwan’s economy has majorly depended on manufacturing for long time. Transformation of economy has been seeking under the pressures from the increasing the minimum wage, reducing the margin as well as environmental protection in recent years. Service industry is the target of the transformation The service for R & D is one item of this industry. Although it is well known that innovations are based on R & D which also plays a key role to upgrade the industries, the percentage of annual GDP from R & D was only 2-3% in past 10 years. “Verification service” belonged to the scope of service industry are very important to Taiwan’s economy. Local companies need the services to complete product certification before they export products. Additionally, the companies could allocate and focus their own resources to reduce the cycle of time-to-market and increase the added values of the products by outsourcing the design verification. The company who offer verification service is not so common. This thesis aims to study one outstanding service company and reveal its success profile.
    This research adopted case study method to investigate the expansion mode of the company and its critical impact factors by classifying, analyzing, and summarizing the related information. The research results are (1) the expansion modes could be concluded to the Ansoff matrix, (2) the impact factors include external surroundings, own capabilities and resources in company, and development directions, (3) the external surroundings include customer’s requirements, chance of entry to market, business situation of customers, evolutions of engineering technique, timing of regulation announcement, and the ability competitor, (4) the capabilities and resources in company include human resources, technique development, management system, understanding of customer’s requirements, and relationship with customers, (5) the development directions include increasing of service item, to allocate in China, and to enter on testing foundry.
    Within the period of expansion, the company faced many different challenges. Meanwhile some solutions and actions were proposed and executed to overcome these predicaments. The research results show (1) the challenges include smaller market size than expected, lower reputation in new market, less amount of case-in from target customers, new competitor, shortage of human resource and professional experiences, and unsuitable management system, (2) the solutions include rapid changing the target customers, meeting the customer’s requirements completely, fine turning the management system, and flexible promotion actions.
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     BSMI經濟部標準檢驗局
     財團法人商業發展研究院
    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0100932001
    Data Type: thesis
    Appears in Collections:[Executive Master of Business Administration] Theses

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