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    Title: 遊客體驗與價值感受關係之研究 —以宜蘭綠色博覽會為例
    The relationship between customer experience and value perception:A case of Yi Lan Green Exposition
    Authors: 吳昱鋒
    Contributors: 吳靜吉
    Keywords: 體驗經濟
    Date: 2012
    Issue Date: 2013-07-11 16:30:10 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本研究以Pine and Gilmore(1998)的體驗經濟為架構,探討宜蘭綠色博覽會遊客的體 驗知覺與其價值感受的關係。體驗經濟包括教育、娛樂、審美和陶醉當下四個領域。價 值感受則包含兩類,一類是遊客對綠博的價值感受,一類是綠博遊客對宜蘭品牌的價值 感受。
    本研究以2013年宜蘭綠色博覽會的遊客為對象,利用三天親赴綠博現場蒐集資料。 有效問卷共為236位受試者,研究工具包括體驗經濟量表與價值感受量表,體驗經濟量 表是修改自Oh, Ann and Jeong(2007)的中文版本;而價值感受量表則依據沈經洪與洪順 慶(2012)研究「誠品」顧客所編制的價值感受量表做適度的修改和增加題目。
    就調查對象的背景來說,男女大約各半;八成的遊客落在 20~45 歲之間;大學以上 的遊客約佔六成以上;來自台北的遊客約為五成,而宜蘭人約為三成;同行夥伴當中, 有七成的人是與親戚、家人、朋友或同事前來;每月收入六萬以下的遊客則佔了八成。
    經因素分析結果,體驗經濟量表吻合原來的架構和量表因素。四個因素的 Cronbach’ s α值分別為教育體驗(α=.874)、娛樂體驗(α=.828)、審美體驗(α=.862)和陶 醉當下體驗(α=.844)。而價值感受的量表在綠博的價值感受方面,共萃取四個因素: 功能價值(α=.774)、體驗價值(α=.846)、象徵價值(α=.736)和顧客滿意(α=.859)。宜蘭 品牌的價值感受量表,共萃取三個因素:品牌愛慕(α=.865)、依賴(α=.901)和行為忠誠 (α=.704)。
    就遊客的體驗知覺來說,在李克氏五點量表中都是在普通之上,接近同意程度,遊 客認為綠博給他們的「審美體驗」最高。就遊客對綠博的價值感受來說,也都接近同意
    程度,遊客認為綠博給他們的「體驗價值」最高。就遊客對宜蘭品牌的價值感受來說, 同樣在普通之上,接近同意程度,遊客對宜蘭的「品牌愛慕」最高。
    本研究也分析,遊客的背景因素與其體驗知覺和價值感受的關係,結果顯示停留 3~5小時、每月收入兩萬到四萬之間的遊客在體驗的知覺比其他遊客顯著的高。最有趣 的是非宜蘭人比宜蘭人顯著的認為他們更能感受審美體驗。
    過去參加過童玩節、與家人同行、每月收入在兩萬到四萬之間的遊客,在功能價 值、體驗價值及滿意度方面都顯著的比較高。過去參加過綠博、童玩節、已婚者和家人 同行的遊客,對宜蘭品牌的價值感受也顯著的比較高,宜蘭人比非宜蘭人對宜蘭品牌的 價值感受顯著的高。
    本研究的主要目的是在驗證有關綠博的體驗知覺與其價值感受之關係的假設,結果 所有的假設都得到驗證,簡述如下
    遊客的體驗知覺與其對綠博價值感受之間具有顯著的高正相關;同樣的,遊客的體 驗知覺與其對宜蘭品牌的價值感受之間也具有顯著的高正相關。
    在綠博的價值感受當中,教育體驗與審美體驗對功能價值具有顯著的預測力,審美 體驗與陶醉當下體驗對體驗價值具有顯著的預測力,四個體驗知覺皆對象徵價值和顧客 滿意具有顯著的預測力。
    在宜蘭品牌的價值感受當中,唯有陶醉當下體驗對宜蘭品牌的價值感受的各構面 (品牌愛慕、依賴、行為忠誠)均具有顯著的預測力。
    最後,本研究根據研究結果對綠色博覽會與宜蘭縣市的未來發展方向提供建議以供 參考。
    This research uses Pine and Gilmore’s (1988) Experience Economy framework to ex- plore the relationship between customer experience and value perception at the Yilan Green Exposition (Expo). Experience Economy covers education, entertainment, escapist, and es- thetic experiences, while value perception includes tourists’ perceptions of both the value of the Yilan Green Expo and of the Yilan brand.
    This research sample is derived from surveys of tourists at the 2013 Yilan Green Expo, collected over a three-day period. Overall, 236 effective questionnaires were gathered, and measurement instruments included the Experience Economy Scale and Value Perception Scale. The Experience Economy Scale was a scale from Oh, Ann, and Jeong (2007), while questions were added and revisions made to the Value Perception Scale created by Shen and Horng (2012) for their study of the eslite bookstore.
    The results of factor analysis matched results of Pine and Gilmore’s original framework. Cronbach’s α for education experience (.874),entertainment experience (.828),esthetic ex- perience (.862)and escape experience (.844).
    Value perception of the Yilan Green Expo was extracted with four factors, including functional values(α=.774), experiential values(α=.846), symbolic values(α=.736), customer satisfaction(α=.859). Value perception of the Yilan brand was extracted with three factors, including dependence(α=.901), behavioral loyalty(α=.704), brand love(α=.865).
    In point of perceived experiences, it’s above neutral and close agree on a 5-point lik- ert-scale. Tourists’ ranked “esthetic experience” as highest on their perceived experiences of the Yilan Green Expo.
    In point of value perception of the Yilan Green Expo, it’s close agree on a 5-point lik- ert-scale. Tourists’ ranked “experiential values” as highest on the value perception of the Yilan Green Expo.
    In point of value perception of the Yilan brand, it’s above neutral and close agree on a 5-point likert-scale. Tourists’ ranked “brand love” as highest on the value perception of the Yilan brand.This research also analyzed tourists’ background factors and other relevant perceived experiences and value perceptions, and discovered that tourists who stayed between 3-5 hours, or had a monthly salary between 20,000-40,000 NTD, perceived higher positive experiences relative to other tourists. Most interestingly, non-local tourists felt they were better able to perceive an esthetic experience relative to local (Yilan) tourists.
    Tourists who visitied with family or had a monthly salary between 20,000-40,000 NTD, or had been to Children’s Folklore & Folkgame Festival, perceived higher functional values, symbolic values and customer satisfaction relative to other tourists. Tourists who visited with family or were married and had been to the Children’s Folklore & Folkgame Festival or Yilan Green Expo, perceived higher Yilan brand relative to other tourists.
    All of the hypotheses in this research were supported.
    There is a significant correlation between perceived experience and value perception of the Yilan Green Expo. At the same time, there is a significant correlation between perceived experience and value perception of the Yilan brand.
    In the value perception of the Yilan Green Expo, educational experience and esthetic experience could significant predict functional values. Escapist experience and esthetic expe- rience could significant predict experiential values. All of experience could significant pre- dict symbolic values and customer satisfaction.
    In the value perception of the Yilan brand, only escapist experience could accurately predict value perception of the Yilan brand(brand love, dependence, behavioral loyalty).
    Finally, suggestions and considerations for development directions for the Yilan Green Expo and Yilan County are provided based on research results.
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    Gilmore, J. H., & Pine, B. J. (2007). Authenticity: what consumers really want, 30-31.
    Goffman, E. (1986). Frame analysis: An essay on the organization of experience.
    Hirschman, E. C., & Holbrook, M. B. (1982). Hedonic consumption: Emerging concepts, methods and propositions. The Journal of Marketing, 92–101.
    Hosany, S., & Witham, M. (2010). Dimensions of cruisers’ experiences, satisfaction, and intention to recommend. Journal of Travel Research, 49(3), 351–364
    Janiskee, R. L. (1994). Some macroscale growth trends in America`s community festival industry. Festival Management and Event Tourism, 2(1), 10–14.
    Manthiou, A., & Lee, S. (2011). Measuring the experience economy and the visitors be
    havioral consequences: an empirical study on veishea event
    Oliver, R. L. (1999). Whence consumer loyalty? The Journal of Marketing, 33–44.
    Park, C. W., Jaworski, B. J., & Maclnnis, D. J. (1986). Strategic brand concept-image man-agement. The Journal of Marketing, 135–145.
    Park, J. (2010). Measuring the experience economy of film festival participants. Korea Tourism Association 2010 International Session, 67~ 76 (10)
    Pine, B. J., & Gilmore, J. H. (1999). The experience economy: work is theatre & every business a stage.
    Quadri-Felitti, D., & Fiore, A. M. (2012). Experience economy constructs as a framework for understanding wine tourism. Journal of Vacation Marketing, 18(1), 3–15. doi:10.1177/1356766711432222
    Shimp, T. A., & Madden, T. J. (1988). Consumer-object relations: A conceptual framework based analogously on Sternberg’s triangular theory of love. Advances in Consumer Research, 15(1), 163–168.
    Swinnen, J., Van Herck, K., & Vandemoortele, T. (2012). The Experience Economy as the Future for European Agriculture and Food? Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, LICOS Discussion Paper, (313). Retrieved from http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=2084633
    Wojan, T. R., Lambert, D. M., & McGranahan, D. A. (2007). The emergence of rural artistic havens: A first look. Agricultural and resource economics review, 36(1), 53.
    Yu, H., & Fang, W. (2009). Relative impacts from product quality, service quality, and experience quality on customer perceived value and intention to shop for the coffee shop market. Total Quality Management, 20(11), 1273–1285.
    于國華, 吳靜吉. (2013). (民102年04月25日)創意城鄉 幸福宜蘭 取自http://wwwccifhk/ccif_media/pdf/Nov2012/Yilan_casepdf.
    行政院主計處. (2010). (民102年05月24日)2001 至2010 年整體和服務業經濟產值。取自http://www.dgbas.gov.tw/mp.asp?mp=1.
    沈經洪, 洪順慶. (2012). 品牌關係: 顧客價值與品牌愛慕. 臺大管理論叢, 23(1), 1–27.
    李仁芳. (2003). 體驗經濟時代推薦序. 台北市:城邦.
    吳揚欽. (2004). 2004 宜蘭綠色博覽會成果專輯.
    吳信緯. (2013) . 處處可食風景,宜蘭率先實踐. 政大區域資本計畫和宜蘭縣政府的會議
    宜蘭市政府. (2013). (民102年04月25日)宜蘭綠色博覽會。取自:http://www.greenexpo.e-land.gov.tw/show_content.php?data_type=綠博主題.
    施禔盈. (2013). 嚴選全台12個幸福退休小鎮.
    郭佳馥. (2004, April 17). 宜蘭綠色博覽會 讓你放輕鬆。Taiwan News 財經,文化週刊,127,84-85,台北市:宇泰圖書公司。.
    陳凱俐, 張高誠. (2003). 休閒農業及產業文化活動之經濟效益評估-以宜蘭縣為例. 宜蘭大學學報, 1, 91–103.
    韋文豐. (2013). 建構美食的創意城鄉驗之探討-以宜蘭為例. 未出版論文.
    夏業良, 魯煒, 江麗美(譯). (2013). 體驗經濟時代(十週年修訂版). (原作者:B. Joseph Pine II & James H.Gilmore)台北市:城邦。(原著出版年:2012).
    蔡厚男, 黃慕儀. (2006). 園藝博覽會籌辦企劃模式之研究-以台灣實施案例經驗分析為例. 臺灣園藝, 52(4), 479–493.
    劉建宏. (2013). 推廣低碳旅遊生活.
    薛立敏, 杜英儀, 王素彎. (1995). 台灣生產性服務業之發展與展望─ 國際比較研究. 中華經濟研究院出版, 當前經濟問題分析系列之, 2.
    簡榮輝. (2013). (民102年05月24日)童玩節「轉一夏」 預售票開賣【聯合新聞網】。取自http://udn.com/NEWS/DOMESTIC/DOM7/7908346.shtml#ixzz2UB287HXU .
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