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    Title: 新加坡男同性戀的媒體報導—比較主流報紙與公民新聞網站的異同
    Singapore Male Homosexuals in the Media – A Comparison Between a Mainstream Press and a Citizen Journalism Site
    Authors: 盧莉薇
    Loh, Li Hwee
    Contributors: 施琮仁
    Shih, Tsung Jen
    Loh, Li Hwee
    Keywords: 新聞審查
    Citizen Journalism
    Media Representation
    Date: 2012
    Issue Date: 2013-07-01 18:02:35 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本內容分析研究主流報紙海峽時報和公民新聞網The Online Citizen在新加坡同性戀議題上的報導。本文圍繞兩個重要事件,研究這兩個新聞媒體如何報導同性戀相關新聞。1)前總理吳作棟在2003年接受時代雜誌採訪時表示,公共機關會為同性戀者提供平等的就業機會。2)新加坡政府於2006年檢討《新加坡刑法典》並決定保留視男同性戀者之間的性行為違法的第377A條。本研究試圖了解政府面對同性戀課題態度上的轉變如何影響傳統媒體對於同性戀相關新聞的呈現。卡方檢定結果顯示,海峽時報的新聞焦點、新聞欄目、故事類型、故事主題、新聞來源數量、主要新聞來源的身份以及對同性戀抱持的態度,在兩個重大事件中有顯著的差異。另外,該研究還發現支持同性戀的新聞語氣多數源於普通人,而反同性戀的新聞語氣往往來自官方。本文也發現新聞媒體與對同性戀抱持的態度,兩者存在重要的關係。最後,海峽時報在報導同性戀相關課題時,相較The Online Citizen,主題更多元。另一方面,後者和前者比起來,故事框架更加多樣化。
    This content analytic study investigated the reporting approaches of a mainstream newspaper — Straits Times and a citizen journalism site — The Online Citizen on homosexual issues in Singapore. This paper examines the reporting pattern of these two news outlets in the coverage of homosexuality surrounding two important issues — (1) the interview by Time magazine with former Prime Minister Goh Chok Tong conducted in 2003, in which he openly commented about nondiscriminatory policies towards the gay people in the country for the first time. (2) The initiation to review the Penal Code in 2006 whereby Section 377A was not repealed after gay supporters petitioned to abolish the law that criminalizes homosexuality. The purpose is to find out how gays were represented in the media with the shift in politics of homosexuality. Using Chi-square tests, the results indicated that there is significant relation between news focus, news section, story type, topic, number of sources, identity of dominant news sources and attitude with time for the Straits Times. In addition, this paper found evidence that pro-gay news tone were likely to come from official source whereas anti-gay news tone tended to originate from ordinary source. Significant relations were also found between attitude and news outlets. Lastly, Straits Times was better diversified in terms of topics of gay-related stories while The Online Citizen was more diversified with regards to story frames.
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