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Title: | 網站進行文化調整之研究:以中國企業為例 A study of Cultural Adaptation issue on the websites: evidence from Chinese corporations |
Authors: | 陳柏諺 Chen, Bo Yan |
Contributors: | 簡睿哲 Jean, Ruey Jer 陳柏諺 Chen, Bo Yan |
Keywords: | 文化調整 文化價值 網站 新興市場 調整化 國際企業 Cultural Adaptation Cultural Value Website Emerging Market Adaptation International Business |
Date: | 2012 |
Issue Date: | 2013-07-01 17:26:14 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 近年來,各類文獻對於新興市場的研究漸漸重視,尤以網際網路相關之研究更受強調;並且,在過去,在地化以及調整化的議題是備受重視,但鮮少研究將在地化及調整化的議題與網際網路進行結合,且在過去此類型文獻則皆著重在已開發市場之探討,如將歐美國家企業網站設定為主要研究標的,探討已開發國家企業網站在跨國化經營時,是否會因應不同國家的文化差異而進行網站文化調整。並且以Hofstede以及Hall兩位學者提出之文化價值指標進行研究。然而,本研究則首次探討新興國家企業網站是否在跨國化之情況下,進行網站之文化調整,並以中國企業為主要研究標的,探討中國企業進入美國市場時,網站是否因應國家之文化價值不同而進行調整。過去文獻中,Singh學者的研究中首次針對網站的文化調整議題進行探討,並歸納衡量網站文化價值之架構,於後續研究中更加將架構改良以利進行相關研究,本研究延續此衡量架構,並首度探討新興國家之網站調整議題,同時除了討論網站是否經過調整之外,更進一步討論調整的細部項目,與過去文獻中針對已開發國家企業之調整項目進行交叉比對,探討當網站有進行文化調整的情況之下,其細部項目調整之異同。
於本研究中,從中國企業五百強之資料庫中,分析一百個中國知名企業之中英文網站,發現新興國家之企業亦存在網站文化調整之現象,並且在細部項目的交叉比對下,發現新興市場國家與已開發國家企業進行調整的項目有所不同,並且差異與國家本身之文化情況有所相關,本研究之兩大重要貢獻分別為:新興市場國家企業亦會進行網站之文化調整,因此調整是為一種趨勢存在,另一部分則是即便不同市場下網站皆有調整現象,但細部的調整項目各將有所不同。 In the recent years, the researches on the issues of the Internet become more and more important, but those issues usually focus on the company`s websites which are from developed countries, such as the United States, and there is just a very few literatures their research questions are about the cultural adaptation on the webs, and even none of them focus on the emerging markets. Singh(2003) has developed a framework to evaluate the culture value on the webs and understand that the cultural adaptation occurs on the company`s websites from developed countries as they go multinational, but it seems that lack of literatures to express the cultural adaptation situations of the emerging markets, and there is no literature discussing the items which have been adapted. That is the first time to find out that whether there is cultural adaptation situations existing in the company`s websites from emerging markets when the companies do globalize to design the different language websites. And also first time understand that if the cultural adaptation exists, should the items to be adapted are the same or not.
Using the framework to do content analysis on one hundred Chinese company`s websites, for both of the Chinese and English version. As the results of the research, the cultural adaptation exactly exists in the company`s websites from emerging market countries according to the web isn`t culturally neutral, and actually find out that the items to be adapted in the websites from emerging markets are some kind different from the developed countries according to there are cultural-specific situations in different countries. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 國際經營與貿易研究所 101351005 101 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0101351005 |
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