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    Title: 影響採用B2B電子商務平台速度的前因與結果之研究
    The study of drivers and performance outcomes of the speed of b2b e-markets adoption
    Authors: 黃靜文
    Huang, Ching Wen
    Contributors: 簡睿哲
    Jean, Ruey Jer
    Huang, Ching Wen
    Keywords: B2B電子商務平台
    B2B e-markets
    Adoption speed
    TOE framework
    Date: 2012
    Issue Date: 2013-07-01 17:26:13 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 電子商務近年來快速發展,並徹底改變了商業環境。電子商務能為企業帶來諸多好處,例如:降低交易成本、增加營收、改善流程等等,這些好處使得透過電子商務進行商業活動已經成為不可避免的趨勢了。在眾多電子商務工具中,又以B2B電子商務平台的重要性為最高,因為B2B電子商務平台扮演著媒合全球買家與賣家的腳色,並且創造了非常龐大的交易量。
    With e-commerce, the whole business environment has been fundamentally changed. It has become an inevitable trend that enterprises conduct businesses through e-commerce because it brings benefits as reducing transaction costs or generating new revenues. Among all e-commerce, the importance of B2B e-market is the most significant due to its role as the ”hub” for both buyers and sellers and the huge trade volume it has made.
    There is growing number of studies on e-commerce related issues. It is found that most literatures are conducted from the perspective of IT innovations, while rather few are discussed from strategic management domain. As for the topics, there are lots of literatures on the drives of pre- or post e-commerce adoption, while few on how rapidly enterprises may adopt e-commerce. Examining the countries of studies, most are conducted on one single developed country. Studies on developing markets call for more research. As for factors incorporated in studies, the environmental factors are often neglected. As a result, this study bridges these gaps and makes discussion on the drives and performance outcomes of the speed of B2B e-markets adoption.
    216 samples of Chinese enterprises are selected from the biggest e-markets in the world, Alibaba.com. The TOE framework is used to construct the model and path analysis is adopted to examine the relationships.
    The results show that with less technology capability and managerial competence, firms tend to adopt e-commerce more rapidly due to lack of existing websites or marketing channel. It also shows that with higher development in domestic institutional environment, firms are likely to adopt B2B e-market earlier due to reasons of better communication or competition. Last, firms tend to benefit from early adoption of B2B e-markets in the short term due to improvement in internal processes, increasing sales or cost reduction.
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