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Title: | 台灣與中國在中美洲的外交競逐 The Diplomatic Rivalry Between Taiwan and China in Central America 2000-2010 |
Authors: | 雷彥柏 Alberto Lorenzo Aleman Aguirre |
Contributors: | 冷則剛 Leng, Tse Kang 雷彥柏 Alberto Lorenzo Aleman Aguirre |
Keywords: | 台灣 中國 外交休兵 尼加拉瓜 中美洲 Taiwan China Central America diplomatic truce Ma Ying-jeou Chen Shui-bian Lee Teng-hui Nicaragua |
Date: | 2010 |
Issue Date: | 2013-06-27 16:16:21 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 本文的目的是了解和分析台灣與中美洲貿易、經濟和政治方面的關係,並將它們與不斷增長的中國的存在和影響力的地理區域比較。它也試圖對總統陳水扁和馬英九所追求的走向盟國外交作一個比較。 This thesis aims to understand and analyze trade, economic and political aspects of the Taiwanese relationship with Central America, and compare them with the growing Chinese presence and influence in that geographic area. It also attempts to make a comparison between the diplomacy toward allied countries pursued by presidents Chen Shui-bian and Ma Ying-jeou. Taiwan has had to cope with China’s rise, a major geopolitical event of the twenty-first century. The expansion of the Chinese economy is reflected in an increased trade exchange with Latin America. Central America has not been an exception. The PRC has become a major trade partner for several Central American economies, surpassing commerce ties between them and Taiwan. This paper also states that the so-called “diplomatic truce” called for by President Ma has been working so far, as Beijing has not tried to “steal” more Taiwanese allies since 2008, and the ROC has not tried to lure new friends to its camp. |
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1. Interview with a Chinese scholar from Jiao Tong University (under anonymity). 2. Interview with Colonel Deglys Tinoco, Nicaraguan military attaché in Taiwan. 3. Interview with Dr. Jiang Shixue, vice president of the Chinese Association of Latin American Studies, deputy director-general of the Chinese Center for Third World Studies (written comments sent by email). 4. Interview with Dr. John Copper from Rhodes College, USA (answers to questionnaire sent by email). 5. Interview with Dr. Norman Caldera, Nicaragua’s former foreign minister (answers to questionnaire sent by email). 6. Interview with Dr. Arturo Cruz, former Nicaraguan ambassador in Washington, lecturer at INCAE business school in Nicaragua (telephone interview). 7. Interview with Dr. Jaushieh Joseph Wu, former chairman of the Mainland Affairs Council and former head of TECRO in the US, NCCU IRR Research Fellow (personal interview). 8. Interview with Dr. Alexander Yui, Advisor, Department of Latin America and the Caribbean, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, ROC (personal interview). 9. Interview with a Taiwanese diplomat with experience in Central America (answers to questionnaire sent by email). 10. Interviews (2) with sources from Nicaragua’s Foreign Ministry (under anonymity). 11. Interviews (2) with sources from Honduras’ Foreign Ministry (under anonymity). 12. Interview with a source of Belize’s Foreign Ministry (under anonymity). 13. Interview with Dr. Dafydd Fell, deputy director of the Centre of Taiwan Studies, University of London (answers to questionnaire sent by email). |
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