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    Title: 校長轉型領導及交易領導與教師組織公民行為關係之後設分析
    Meta-analysis of Transformational and Transactional Leadership Effects on Teacher’s Organizational Citizenship Behavior
    Authors: 王芝翔
    Contributors: 吳政達
    Keywords: 轉型領導
    transformational leadership
    transactional leadership
    teacher’s organizational citizenship behavior
    Date: 2012
    Issue Date: 2013-06-03 17:58:09 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本研究旨在使用後設分析方法,以了解國內外有關校長轉型及交易領導與教師組織公民行為之關係,分析文獻包含2000年至2012年之國內外博碩士論文、會議及期刊論文等等,總計共有27篇研究報告及13,525位研究對象。研究包含探討變項間之相關以及調節變項之影響,經同質性考驗後,研究結果發現以下五項結論:
    The main purpose of this study is to investigate the overall relationships of both transformational and transactional leadership with teacher’s organizational citizenship behavior by using meta-analysis methods. Data were collected from 27 independent studies which include master & doctoral dissertation, theses in seminar and journal papers at home and aboard during 2000-2012. There were 27 research studies with a combined sample of 13,525 participants. The study discussed the relationship between the variables and the effects of the moderators. Testing of homogeneity, there were five major findings of this study as follows:(1)It found a positive relationship between principal’s transformational leadership and teacher’s organizational citizenship behavior.(2)The research areas, the school level, the sample ratio of men, the type of study published and the response rate were found as the significant moderators between principal’s transformational leadership and teacher’s organizational citizenship behavior.(3)It found a positive relationship between principal’s transactional leadership and teacher’s organizational citizenship behavior. (4)The school level, the year of research and the sample ratio of men were found as the significant moderators between principal’s transactional leadership and teacher’s organizational citizenship behavior.(5)Compared to transactional leadership, the transformational leadership of principals were found to have stronger positive correlations with teacher’s organizational citizenship behavior.
    According to the results, some suggestions were proposed for practical applications and future researches.
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    吳政達、吳盈瑩(2011)。後設分析方法Comprehensive Meta Analysis軟體應用與報表解析。教育研究月刊,206,105-111。

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