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Title: | 英特爾洞見:境外研發中心的創意生存之道 Intel Insight: The Creative Survival Experience from Offshore Innovation Centre |
Authors: | 顏嘉妤 Chia-Yu Yen |
Contributors: | 蕭瑞麟 Ruey-Lin Hsiao 顏嘉妤 Chia-Yu Yen |
Keywords: | 創新全球化 弱勢配角 創意回應 global innovation low-power actors creative response |
Date: | 2010 |
Issue Date: | 2013-06-03 11:06:34 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 近年來,跨國企業積極在各區域廣設境外研發中心,期待拓展全球化的創新能力,完善設計鏈的布局。但是,過去研究所關心的議題多停留在技術研發,卻忽略跨國企業也是一個複雜的權力網絡。在此權力結構中,邊陲的成員,或稱之弱勢配角,往往受到網絡中強勢主角(像是研發總部)的制約,甚至面臨生存危機。在此制約下,境外研發中心如何回應總部,以完成創新任務?本文以英特爾的亞洲創新中心為案例,分析弱勢配角如何創意地回應強勢主角,化阻力為助力。本研究發現,弱勢配角可以嘗試改變與關鍵夥伴的互動方式,透過不同的資源交換方式來借力使力,促成自己轉換設計鏈上的角色,借以突破制約而完成創新任務。於理論貢獻上,本文拓展跨國企業管理文獻中對母公司與子公司之間的權力動態分析,延伸策略回應文獻,也探索策略作為(strategizing)對創新管理的應用。於實務貢獻上,本文點出創新全球化的境外管理議題,也提出在制約與權力落差下如何進行劣勢創新。 In recent years, multinational corporations actively incorporate offshore R&D (Research and Development) centers, with the hope to extend its global innovation capability and improve its design chain. However, given that it is necessary to focus on technological R&D, we seem to neglect that multinational corporations are also consisted of complicated power networks. In such a power structure, peripheral members, or low-power actors, will inevitably constrained by high-power actors (e.g. R&D headquarters) who often determine low-power actors’ survival. Under such constraints, how may offshore R&D centers (low-power actors) respond to the headquarters (high-power actors) and still manage to accomplish their missions of innovation? Our field study is based on Intel Innovation Center in Asia and examines how low-power actors may creatively respond to high-power actors so as to turn adversity into opportunity. The findings indicate that, to innovate under constraints, low-power actors could attempt to change their ways of interaction with partners by leveraging mutual resources and shifting their roles in the design chain. In terms of theoretical contribution, this article expands the analysis of power dynamics in international business literature, extends strategic response literature and explores how strategizing may be used in innovation management studies. In terms of practical contribution, this study highlights how to manage offshore innovation centers and suggests how to innovate under constraints and power imbalance. 壹、緒論 1
貳、文獻回顧 5
參、研究方法 15
一、個案選擇 15
二、資料蒐集方法 17
三、資料分析方法 20
肆、案例背景 24
伍、研究發現 32
一、創意回應模式一:唇亡齒必寒 32
二、創意回應模式二:借花來獻佛 36
三、創意回應模式三:狡兔有三窟 41
四、創意回應模式四:移花可接木 45
五、化劣勢為優勢的創新 48
陸、討論 50
一、理論意涵 50
二、實務意涵 56
三、研究限制與未來方向 59
柒、結論 61
參考文獻 62 |
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